Big Brother wrapped its twentieth season on Wednesday, and runner-up Tyler Crispen sure felt the love as he won America’s Favorite Houseguest by popular vote. Following the days after the finale, the BB 20 cast was seen partying, hanging out, and just overall enjoying each other’s company in the outside world following their release from their summer-long sequester.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, Tyler was initially shocked to realize how much fans of the show adored him. In the days leading up to the finale, Tyler was spotted on the live feeds having a freak-out moment regarding how life would be in the outside world. Mostly, he was worried about how his newly-evicted girlfriend, Angela, would see him.
Tyler’s worries would all be for nothing, though, as he was embraced by fans and the public adoringly. The runner-up tweeted a message of appreciation directed towards his fans and the show. “I lived my dream,” he writes — and knowing his superfan status, it all seems very genuine.
He calls out Angela Rummans, his on-screen romance, at the end of the tweet. “Mainly u though,” he says before tagging her Twitter account. Funnily enough, a fan pointed out in a Twitter reply that Tyler has yet to follow Angela back on the social media platform.
Tyler now follows Angela on Twitter.
As the houseguests readjust to the outside world, it’s obvious that they may be feeling a bit overwhelmed after their isolation. Those who were evicted pre-jury were allowed to return to the outside world. Those evicted after the pre-jury members were sent to the jury house.
The Hilton Head lifeguard just finished up a Vegas trip with other BB 20 houseguests — including members of his Level 6 alliance and FOUTTE. There seems to be no hard feelings amongst the former housemates, as the cast shared pictures of each other across their social media platforms.
The BB 20 cast seems exceptionally close despite one of the most epic and explosive seasons of the summer. BB 19 ‘s Jessica Graf even admitted — on Twitter — that she was “jealous” of this season’s cast because of how close they all seemed post-finale. Even players who had notorious fights, like Brett and Kaitlyn, have interacted kindly with each other by sharing jokes on Twitter.
CBS should be proud of such a successful season of Big Brother , considering how last year’s finale didn’t go exactly as many had hoped. Casting is already open for next summer, but it’s hard to imagine how CBS will ever top this cast.