Miami doctor sues restaurant after eating artichoke whole

Does it seem unlikely to you that a man could make it through medical school but not be aware that artichokes aren’t eaten in a similar manner to apples?

A Miami doctor is suing a Texas restaurant for serving him an artichoke but not imparting specific instructions on how to consume the spiny beast properly. When presented with the strange new veggie, Arturo Carvajal apparently just shoved the entire thing into his doctor face, causing painful digestive issues and requiring an “exploratory laparotomy.” Carvajal’s lawyer explains that exotic fare like artichokes hasn’t made it to the shores of Cuba, where one might deduce chicken doesn’t have bones, and coconuts fall from trees, de-shelled:

“It takes a sophisticated diner to be familiar with the artichoke,” says the man’s lawyer. “People might think that as a doctor, he’d know how to eat one. But he was thinking it was like a food he might have eaten in his native Cuba, where you eat everything on the plate.”

Among damages claimed in the lawsuit, Carvajal is said to have suffered “disability, disfigurement, mental anguish,” and “loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life.” While the lawsuit could be successful, I’m going to speculate here that the payout might be less attractive in comparison to professional damage done by the lawsuit. Would you trust a doctor who can’t even properly disassemble an artichoke to reset a bone or take to your flesh with a scalpel?

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