Georgia Man Beheads Neighbor’s Puppies

Mableton, GA — A Georgia man was arrested after beheading his neighbor’s puppies.

Tyler Tedesco said he had the two puppies, Rebel and Boss, for about two weeks. He was going to have them picked up by a pit bull rescue group later this week.

Tedesco gave the puppies to neighbor Robert Davis’ girlfriend to watch for a couple of days. Tedesco said he thought the dogs might have parvo, a highly contagious virus that spreads from dog to dog, and can be carried on the dog’s hair and feet. He was worried his other dogs might get sick as well.

“We asked his girlfriend to watch them, we’ve seen him play with dogs before, we didn’t think anything like this would happen,” Tedesco said.

Sunday, Tedesco heard a horrifying rumor from a friend that Davis had confessed to decapitating the two puppies. He and his girlfriend went to Davis’ house to make sure the puppies were OK. When they got there, Davis admitted that he had killed them and pointed to an area of the backyard where they were buried.

“I started digging but smelled blood, and I couldn’t. I stopped. I couldn’t dig up my own dogs,” Tedesco said.

Police said they found the dogs with their heads removed, thrown into the woods behind Davis’ home.

Tyler Tedesco was in disbelief about what Davis had done.

“How could you sit there and watch them bleed, and stab them and laugh and think that is funny,” he said. “You just killed an innocent animal. If it was my opinion, the electric chair, give him torture, how he tortured the animals.”

Robert Davis was charged with two felony counts of aggravated cruelty to animals and three counts of tampering with evidence. He is being held at the Cobb County Jail on $250,000 bond. If convicted, he could face 13 years in prison. He hasn’t said why he beheaded the two puppies.

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