Joe Biden And Bernie Sanders Spar Over Electability

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden recently shot back at fellow candidate Bernie Sanders when pressed by a CBS News reporter that asked him about the criticism that the Vermont Senator recently threw at his campaign, Newsweek reports.

“Senator Sanders says that with your vote in the Iraq War and trade that President Trump will ‘eat your lunch’ in the general election — will he eat your lunch?” the reporter asked.

“Tell him to come and I’ll give him some dessert at the White House,” Biden said before laughing.

Earlier this week, Sanders shot down claims that he is too far left on the political spectrum to defeat Donald Trump before attacking Biden’s campaign as the “same old, same old.” According to Sanders, Biden’s campaign echoes Hillary Clinton’s failed campaign and Trump, and his allies are purportedly hoping to take it on in 2020.

“But my God, if you are, if you’re a Donald Trump and you got Biden having voted for the war in Iraq, Biden having voted for these terrible, in my view, trade agreements, Biden having voted for the bankruptcy bill. Trump will eat his lunch,” Sanders said.

Recent polls suggest the Democratic primary is becoming a two-person race, with Sanders and Biden performing best against Trump in hypothetical head-to-head polls. Conversely, the next-best candidates in polling average, Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg, are barely ahead of the president in similar surveys.

Although Sanders has been notoriously brushed off throughout the Democratic primary, his staying power and surge in the polls is causing some to consider him as a serious contender to take on Trump. As The Inquisitr previously reported, Democratic officials, political operatives, and pundits are now turning their attention to the 78-year-old politician and changing their tune.

According to David Brock, a longtime Hillary Clinton ally, many people he has spoken to have expressed their belief that Biden and Sanders are going to be the two candidates America chooses from, with each representing one side of the ideological divide in the current Democratic Party.

“A lot of smart people I’ve talked to lately think there’s a very good chance those two end up being Biden and Sanders,” Brock said, per Politico.

Sanders is currently second in national polls, approximately 10 points behind Biden in RealClearPolitics average. Although his previous heart attack suggested his campaign would soon come to an end, the opposite appears to have occurred, with Sanders and his supporters seemingly reinvigorated.

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