‘Big Brother 21’ Spoilers: One Nominee May Regret Being Complacent As The Other May Have Struck A Deal

Wednesday night’s pre-taped episode of Big Brother 21 will show viewers the Power of Veto competition as well as what happens next with that all-important POV. BB21 spoilers have detailed that this has the potential to shake up Head of Household Jackson Michie’s plans, and viewers will be anxious to see what happens

As The Inquisitr previously shared, Nicole Anthony won the Power of Veto. She took Cliff Hogg off the block and that meant that Holly Allen went up in his place alongside Tommy Bracco. Tommy is Jackson’s target for eviction, and Holly is his closest ally, but Big Brother spoilers hint that things may not go as Jackson hoped with this next eviction.

Nicole and Tommy quickly started talking about the possibility of flipping the vote. If Cliff and Nicole keep Tommy and evict Holly, that splits up the tight pairing of Jackson and Holly. Cliff and Nicole are in a Final 4 alliance with them, but Nicole realizes that it is probably best for her game to make a big move like this.

Cliff has been listening to Nicole talk about the benefits of voting out Holly over Tommy, but he’s been a bit hesitant. The latest spoilers from Big Brother Network reveal that most of the talk on Tuesday suggested that he might be nearly convinced to turn against Jackson on this one.

Big Brother spoilers have noted that Cliff and Nicole have sworn to one another that they will stick together when it comes to casting their votes. If they were to split their votes, Jackson would break the tie and keep Holly. So, if Cliff won’t budge, Nicole won’t vote to keep Tommy.

Holly is getting worried that she might be at risk and she has noted that perhaps she should have been less complacent and more aggressive about campaigning. Cliff made a reference to Jackson about wanting Tommy out before him if Holly were to go, and Big Brother spoilers share that this left Jackson a bit rattled as he didn’t think Holly was in serious trouble.

Jackson and Holly are hoping that perhaps Tommy revealing to Cliff and Nicole that he knew Christie before doing BB21 could work to their benefit. In addition, Jackson has suggested that Nicole tell Cliff that she’ll take him to Final 3 over Nicole. He’s also mentioned that perhaps he should try to convince them that he’d be willing to vote out Holly at Final 4 in hopes they’d keep her for one more week.

As of late Tuesday night, Cliff indicated that he planned to talk to Tommy on Wednesday and make a decision from there. He reiterated that he will not split the vote with Nicole. Furthermore, she has urged him to consider that they’d look weak to the jury if they didn’t use this chance to evict Holly.

Will Cliff and Nicole go big and decide to keep Tommy while evicting Holly? Additional Big Brother spoilers should emerge ahead of Thursday’s live show to pinpoint which way the votes will go.

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