Newly Released Photos Show The Inside Of The Cabin Jayme Closs Was Held Captive In

Jayme Closs, 13, is a survivor. When a man with a gun broke into her Wisconsin home, she heard her father being shot to death. As she and her mother Denise huddled together in an upstairs bathtub, 21-year-old Jake Patterson broke in with an intent to kill. Denise tried to protect her daughter with her own body but was eventually shot while the teen watched. Patterson then taped Jayme’s hands behind her back with duct tape and callously threw her into the truck of his car. He transported her to his home in a rural part of town and held her there for 88 days. Now, chilling photos have been released depicting Jayme’s three-month captivity, according to the New York Post.

After months of being forced to hide under Patterson’s bed with little water and limited bathroom breaks, Jayme escaped when he was out of the home. She provided details of her ordeal to law enforcement who were able to locate the home in which she was held captive. Photos depicting her living conditions are causing many people around the world to shudder.

A sign reading “Patterson’s Retreat” welcomes guest to the Wisconsin home. The sign is in stark contrast to the rest of the property which is littered with junk cars and other garbage. Among the piles of trash included empty alcohol bottles, half empty milk gallons, and an empty package of women’s adult diapers. The inside of the cabin isn’t much better. The grim interior is composed of mismatched furniture, tattered curtains, and an unfinished ceiling.

Jayme spent most of her days barricaded under Patterson’s bed by crates and boxes. She was told not to move or make any noise, or bad things would happen to her. He followed through with his threats and struck her violently when he suspected she’d moved from the bed.

When Jayme finally managed to escape, she was found wandering through the streets by a neighbor walking her dog. The neighbor, Jeanne Nutter, said that the teen was relatively composed despite the circumstances. She described her as “dirty,” “tired,” and “thin,” wearing only a hoodie, leggings, and a pair of men’s sneakers far too big for her. Kristin brought the teen to Kristin and Peter Kasinskas’ home, a house just in the neighborhood.

“Jeanne said, ‘If you have a gun, get it ready. We don’t know if he’s coming here,'” Peter said. “I got my firearm out and stood by the door until the police arrived.”

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