Omarosa Says Haley Resignation Reflects Trump Administration’s Lack Of Diversity

Omarosa Manigault Newman sees the resignation of Nikki Haley from her United Nations ambassador post as indicative of a continued decline in the mix of racial identities represented in the Trump administration, and she didn’t miss out on her opportunity to flag the president for it on Tuesday, October 9.

In a tweet that she shared upon the Washington Post breaking news of Haley’s departure, Omarosa followed up an expressed admiration towards the South Carolina governor — with a few words on how significant she finds it to be that another woman of color has stepped down. “Spent almost a year sitting in cabinet meetings with [Nikki Haley]. She is strong smart and authentic! Losing Haley (a WOC) right before the election will be more of a statement of #45’s lack of diversity in this admin,” the former communications director for the Office of Public Liaison wrote.

The more than 150,000 people who follow her on Twitter were then served with a poll in which Omarosa asks who followers believe President Trump will replace Haley with, and offers them to vote from a set of four choices that included “A White Male,” “A Woman,” “An older white man,” or “A Billionaire white guy.” With just under an hour remaining before results got tallied, the choice of “A Billionaire white guy” was in the lead with 41 percent of the vote, while the choice of “A Woman” lagged at the bottom of the list with 13 percent.

Since stepping down from her position in the White House, Omarosa has repeatedly slammed the president on race. Her exit initially appeared to be a clean one, but before long the former Trump confidant shook her loyalties to her long-time boss in the interest of exposing that she allegedly observed him exuding bigotry on several occasions.

As The Guardian would report, Omarosa claims, in one case, to recall the president making degrading comments about the Filipino ancestry of Kellyanne Conway’s husband. A separate case involves a tape that Omarosa claims to have heard, in which Trump uses the n-word. During an interview that she did with Fox last month in Los Angeles, the Unhinged author revived talk of the n-word audio by predicting that it would be leaked out to the public by November’s midterm elections.

Meanwhile, the tone and contents of the letter that Haley released on Tuesday do not in the least bit hint at any possibility of her coming forth with the kind of drama that has defined Omarosa’s life after politics. If anything, she refers to members of the Trump family as “geniuses” and thanks the president for allowing her the freedom “to speak my mind on the issues of the day.”

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