‘Jersey Shore’s’ Vinny Guadagnino Lashes Out At ‘Wendy Williams Show’ After They Blasted Him For Cheating

Jersey Shore Family Vacation star Vinny Guadagnino admits that while he may have done certain things that made his then-girlfriend Elicea Shaynn uncomfortable, he has never cheated on her, as noted in a tweet by The Wendy Williams Show.

The show sent out a tweet on Tuesday noting that Vinny’s ex-girlfriend was “uncomfortable” watching him “cheat” on-camera. The tweet read, “Vinny’s ex is flipping out after seeing him cheat on #JerseyShore.”

This caused Vinny to bite back and defend himself over the accusations.

In response to the Wendy Williams tweet, Vinny fired back at the social media site.

“Lmao. ‘Seeing him cheat.’ That’s fake news. Dude, don’t you know? Talking to bottle girls in a nightclub is cheating duh. Forget the guys who have side pieces, cheat on their wives, text and [expletive] girls… you’re nice to waitress, you cheat.”

Vinny then remarked, “I gave compliments to bottle girls on TV so I’m the worst man alive! Get it right.”

Vinny added that the girls first told him to take their numbers, something he said MTV edited out.

The reality star ended his Twitter rant by stating, “I love trolls. I eat them for breakfast. They are very Keto.”

The issues between the couple arose after Vinny was seen on-camera in a club with the cast of Jersey Shore Family Vacation flirting with waitresses. At one point, he even took down the numbers of two of the girls on his cell phone.

After Vinny’s escapades, he returned to the Miami home he shared with his Jersey Shore roommates and called his then-girlfriend, confessing what he had done. She responded by stating, “With your girlfriend at home, getting an [expletive]’s number out doesn’t look good for you.”

After the episode aired, Elicea wrote a series of social media posts which she later deleted.

Us Weekly Magazine shared Vinny’s former girlfriend’s post.

“Humiliation disrespect zero empathy lol it’s truly AMAZING. Everyone lives for the drama watching good things go to [expletive].”

After dating for months, Vinny and Elicea broke up shortly after he returned home to Staten Island, New York, after filming Jersey Shore Family Vacation. He stated he “loved” and “cared for” his girlfriend, and every other girl he met while he was in Miami was a “downgrade.”

Jersey Shore: Family Vacation airs Thursdays on MTV.

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