Nasim Aghdam’s Website Rant: $0.10 For 300,000 YouTube Views – Facebook, Instagram Gone

The San Bruno Police Department has identified the YouTube headquarters shooter as Nasim Najafi Aghdam. Now folks are digging into Nasim’s vast online presence to determine more details about the deceased 39-year-old’s vendetta against YouTube. Hailing from San Diego, California, Aghdam is the subject of an ongoing investigation. Despite previous reports that Nasim Najafi may have shot her boyfriend or someone that Nasim knew personally, the San Bruno Police Department reports that they have not discovered evidence that Aghdam knew her victims.

Nasim “hated” YouTube, reports USA Today. Aghdam left behind plenty of evidence on her and websites that point to her anger with YouTube. Although YouTube videos like “FIRST PERSIAN VEGAN TV COMMERCIAL BY NASIM” have been removed, and YouTube reports “this video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated,” screenshots of Nasim’s YouTube information are still visible.

Nasim’s official YouTube channels have been closed, with YouTube listing, “This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.”

A “Telegram Channel Farsi” site at is listed on, along with four different YouTube accounts named YouTube Farsi, YouTube Turkish, YouTube Hand Art, and YouTube English.

The Instagram accounts named nasimesabz13 and Nasimesabz1 have both been removed, the latter of which had 16,200 followers and 275 posts “from Vegan Nasim ???? ??? ????.” The nasimesabz13 Instagram account had 55,500 followers, and 178 posts.

“BE AWARE! Dictatorship exists in all countries but with different tactics! They only care for personal short term profits & do anything to reach their goals even by fooling simple-minded people, hiding the truth, manipulating science & everything, putting public mental & physical health at risk, abusing non-human animals, polluting environment, destroying family values, promoting materialism & sexual degeneration in the name of freedom,….. & turning people into programmed robots!”

Rants on Nasim’s website also quoted Adolf Hitler when she wrote, “Make the lie big, Make it simple, Keep saying it, And eventually they will believe it.”

“There is no free speech in real world & you will be suppressed for telling the truth that is not supported by the system. Videos of targeted users are filtered & merely relegated, so that people can hardly see their videos! There is no equal growth opportunity on YOUTUBE or any other video sharing site, your channel will grow if they want to!!!!!”

Nasim also ranted about free speech and the like.

As of this writing, videos like “Nasim Strenght [sic] Exercise – Nasimesabz Vegan” are still live on Daily Motion. Update: They have since been removed.

Nasim included screenshots of her YouTube earnings, along with criticisms of low earnings and allegedly blocked videos.

“My Revenue For 300,000 Views Is $0.10????? This video got age restricted after new close-minded youtube employees, got control of my farsi youtube channel last year 2016 & began filtering my videos to reduce views & suppress & discaurage [sic] me from making videos!”

Nasim included videos from other YouTube stars on her website. There are videos on a wide variety of topics, such as animal cruelty to “Health Risks Of Anal Sex.”

“Warning Graphic Video! Consumers of animal products are supporters of these animal abusers! About [sic] %80 of worlds fur/skin come from china. Animals are tortured to death in such countries. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. The very first Persian vegan TV commercial and vegan music video was created by Nasim and launched through international Persian satellite television ‘Andisheh TV’ for the first time in April, 2010. I also had TV shows on different Iranian TVs. World is a dangerous place to live, not because of evil people but because of people who do nothing about it! Einstein.”

Along with videos about a “Stolen pet dog cooked alive!” and the like, Nasim also ranted about her Instagram accounts.

“Chinese eat dogs & cats too & torture animals to death. Shame on those who can stop these cruelties, but do nothing because of financial gains!”

With thousands of Instagram followers, Nasim ranted about her followers being real and not bought.

“My Instagram followers, views, likes are real. On instagram, you can buy pages, buy likes, buy followers,…. But mine are real, without advertising or using programs designed to promote instagram pages. all my videos are created by myself and I have no help from others.”

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