When Is Daylight Saving Time For Spring 2018? If You Feel Clock Change Is Worse In Spring, You’re Not Alone

Changing the clocks for a Daylight Saving Time event happens twice during the year and there’s a good reason that many people look forward to one of these events more than the other. With sleep at a minimum for many adults across the nation, the Daylight Savings Time event that awards you an extra hour of sleep is a welcomed perk for many. With that said, the Daylight Saving Time event that takes that extra hour away during your early Sunday morning slumber is not considered a perk by too many folks, especially those who consider themselves sleepy heads.

Medical West Hospital suggests almost everyone likes that extra hour of sleep that the Daylight Saving Time change awards you when it ends in the fall. When Daylight Savings Time begins in the spring, folks are not as fond of losing that hour as they were about gaining it. For that reason, you may hear your friends around the water cooler asking if this Sunday’s time change is the “good” or “bad” Daylight Saving Time event.

The Daylight Saving Time change is “especially hard in the spring,” reports Medical West, and evidence of this dreaded hour lost is seen on the posts across the social media sites. Some examples are seen at the bottom of this article.

On the Fox & Friends live broadcast on Thursday morning, Janice Dean, the Fox News meteorologist, said a few words about the clocks changing this weekend. When losing that hour of sleep came up, well, it didn’t sound as if she were too enthused about giving up that 60 minutes. She did, however, suggest that there is a silver lining that comes along with the spring-ahead clock change and that is — spring is less than two weeks away.

The dates for this year’s time change and the first day of spring are seen below, which is also reported on the Time and Date website. As the clocks spring ahead an hour, you may feel a bit disoriented around time. If you normally get up at 7 a.m., it will now be 8 a.m. with the Daylight Saving Time change on Sunday morning.

Daylight Savings Time and Spring Arrival Dates 2018:

  • Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 11, 2018, at 2 a.m.
  • Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 4, 2018, at 2 a.m.
  • Spring begins on Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Many sleep experts suggest that you start days before the time change so you can slowly ease into the difference of getting up an hour earlier than you have been used to since the time change in November. According to NBC News, top sleep experts suggest getting prepared for this time change by going to bed 15 minutes earlier starting the week before the spring time change and then increase that time every few days by 15 minutes until you’ve reached an hour.

Clinical psychologist Dr. Michael Breus shares what he does to prepare himself for losing that hour of sleep from the clock change in the spring. His routine change begins one week ahead of the Daylight Savings Time change. Starting on the Sunday before the DST change, “he goes to sleep and wakes up 15 minutes earlier than normal. Then, he adjusts his sleep and wake time by 15 minutes earlier two days later. On the third day before daylight saving, he’ll also go to bed and wake another 15 minutes earlier. By the time the actual time change rolls around, he’s already adjusted,” reports NBC.

You will be hard-pressed to find a number of folks saying that they like losing that hour of sleep across the social media sites. The majority of people commenting on that lost hour are not thrilled. When the time comes around in the fall to gain that hour, the comments are different. Many welcome that extra hour of sleep.

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