The Colony Infests Xur’s ‘Destiny 2’ Inventory This Weekend

Xur pulled some surprises out of his bag of Exotics in Destiny 2 this weekend. The mysterious vendor has three pieces he has not sold before including the uniquely fun The Colony Grenade Launcher. Guardians on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC may want to take a moment and browse his wares beyond the Fated Engram.

The Colony is the weapon of the week and is easily the most used Grenade Launcher in Destiny 2 thanks to its special spidery ordnance. Both Warlocks and Hunter see Exotics not previously on sale before with The Stag and Shinobu’s Vow, respectively.

Titans are the only group to see a repeat, and even then, it is a piece that has been seen once before. The Mk. 44 Stand Asides return after last being on sale five weeks ago.

Xur can be found next to the crashed Fallen ship in the Winding Cove section of the European Dead Zone. Destiny 2 players can mark his location on the Destination map and fast travel to the zone. He’s directly north of the spawn point and will be there until the Weekly Reset on Tuesday, January 16.

As a reminder, the Power Levels of all Xur’s Exotics scale according to the Guardian’s current Power Level. The max Power Level has been moved up to 305 with the release of Curse of Osiris. Infuse items to make them more powerful.

The Colony

Have you ever said to yourself, “I’d like a Grenade Launcher that fires insectoid robot grenades that chase a target and explode next to them.” If so, then The Colony is your weapon thanks to the “Insectoid Robot Grenades” intrinsic perk. This is an extremely useful Power Weapon in the Crucible thanks to its high rate of fire, plus the ability to essentially fire and forget. It’s also lots of fun to use.

DIM Rating: 4.5/5

Mk. 44 Stand Asides

The Exotic Boots return from Destiny 1 with some tweaks. The intrinsic perk is now “Seriously, Watch Out” and grants an overshield when sprinting at full health with Seismic Strike, Hammer Strike, or Shield Bash equipped. Melee hits with Mk. 44 Stand Asides equipped will refresh approximately half your melee ability.

DIM Rating: 1.7/5

Shinobu’s Vow

Another returnee from Destiny 1. The Shinobou’s Vow Gauntlets come with the “New Tricks” intrinsic perk to add an extra Skip Grenade charge to the Arcstrider sub-class and improve their tracking of targets. This is very beneficial in PVP matches, but the damage reduction to grenades in Destiny 2 did not do Skip Grenades any favor. Still excellent for area denial to an opposing team.

DIM Rating: 2.1/5

The Stag

This rework of a Warlock helmet from Destiny 1 comes with an odd new perk. The “Dearly Departed” intrinsic perk grants half of your character’s Rift energy back when your Guardian’s health dips below 50 percent. Additionally, a brief healing rift spawns on your corpse for your teammates to use after you fall.

The Stag is good for all Warlock sub-classes and comes in very handy to get the healing rift back quickly in both PVE and PVP. This pairs up well with the Stormcaller’s Arcsoul perk and the healing rift that spawns on death is useful to help teammates revive you.

DIM Rating: 3.3/5

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