New ‘Solo: A Star Wars Movie’ Details Tease Han And Chewbacca Origin Story, Major Kessel Run Scene [Spoilers]

People already have their own theories about the plot of Solo: A Star Wars Story, which will follow the life of Han Solo before he met Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in Mos Eisley. There are several questions that could be answered in the highly anticipated movie. How did Han end up working with his life-long best friend Chewbacca? Did he really complete the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs? Was Lando Calrissian tricked into handing over the Millennium Falcon to its new captain?

Luckily, it looks like all will be revealed in the Han Solo film next year. A fan has uncovered new details about the Star Wars movie that have been printed by Empire magazine. Interestingly, it looks like Solo: A Star Wars Story will be steeped in nostalgia for fans of the original trilogy.

According to Comicbook, a fan posted an image showing Empire magazine’s short write-up on what to expect in Solo: A Star Wars Story. The page confirms the film’s release date as well as screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan’s vision of how a young Han eventually became a tough smuggler everyone loved in Episode IV: A New Hope. More importantly, the article suggests that the movie will reveal how Han met his furry companion.

It is believed that Han Solo encountered Chewbacca when he was still studying in the Imperial Academy at Carida. The young pilot allegedly saved the wookie from an Imperial officer, leading to Han being kicked out of the Academy and forging a career as a smuggler with his new friend. There is a possibility that a version of this meeting will play out in Solo: A Star Wars Story. In addition to that, Han’s sabacc game with Lando Calrissian where he procured the still-new Millennium Falcon is expected to be featured in the film.

Ron Howard reportedly teased on the spice mines of Kessel where prisoners are forced to work. It is possible that the famed Kessel Run will be featured, ultimately confirming whether Han Solo truly completed the route in only 12 parsecs. In the meantime, the director has taken a break from filming to enjoy Star Wars: The Last Jedi, as evidenced in a Twitter post.

Solo: A Star Wars Story boasts of a stellar cast including Alden Ehrenreich, Donald Glover, Woody Harrelson, and Emilia Clarke. The film will premiere on May 25, 2018.

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