Jessa Duggar Seewald Gets Mommy Shamed Over Video Of Spurgeon Playing With Tissues

Some of Jessa Duggar Seewald’s Instagram followers have taken issue with a video of her son Spurgeon playing with a tissue.

Spurgeon Elliot Seewald hasn’t been a reality TV star anywhere near as long as his mother and her siblings have, but his cute curls and spunky personality have made him a fan favorite with Counting On viewers. He recently delighted Duggar fans by chucking his baby bottle in the San Antonio River after taking aim at an unsuspecting duck, and his mother’s short Instagram videos of his adorable antics have made him a social media star. However, Jessa Duggar risks getting mommy shamed each time she shares a photo or video of Spurgeon.

On Saturday, Jessa decided to brave a potential backlash from the mommy-shaming brigade by posting an Instagram video of her 22-month-old son playing with a tissue. In the short clip, Spurgeon holds the tissue up to his nose multiple times and pretends to sneeze by saying “achoo!” Most of Jessa Duggar’s Instagram followers responded to the video by commenting on how “cute” and “precious” Spurgeon is, but the toddler’s mother wasn’t spared from criticism. Some commenters couldn’t help but notice that the little boy had to remove a bottle from his mouth before he feigned having a sneezing fit.

“At 2 yrs old he should be potty trained and drinking out of a zippy cup not a baby bottle,” wrote one of Jessa’s followers.

“Time to take the bottle away,” another commented.

Other Duggar fans tried to warn Jessa about the potential repercussions of allowing Spurgeon to keep letting his baby bottle dangle from his mouth. The little boy has developed a habit of doing this, as evidenced by a photo on the Duggar Family Facebook. In the image, he demonstrates his hands-free method for making sure that he doesn’t lose one of his beloved bottles by holding two of them in his mouth while he plays with a toy.

“It’s actually a condition called pacifier teeth. My son would do the same thing – hang the bottle from his mouth and take it out to talk. He’s old enough to drink out of a cup/doesn’t need it. $14,000 of braces later plus pain for my son wasn’t worth it!” warned one of Jessa’s Instagram followers.

However, according to BabyCenter, the Duggar daughter shouldn’t be concerned about “pacifier teeth” unless Spurgeon continues sucking on his bottle past age 4. Instead, she should be periodically checking his baby teeth for cavities. Prolonged bottle use can cause tooth decay, which is why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends weaning babies before they reach 18 months of age. Spurgeon will turn 2-years-old in November.

However, Jessa Duggar has remained defiant in the face of mommy shamers and medical experts. Earlier this month, she defended her decision not to take Spurgeon’s bottle away. She also confessed that she wishes her oldest son was still breastfeeding even though she already has another baby boy to feed.

“Yes, he’s 22 months old. Yes, he drinks water from a sippy cup, and yes, he still prefers to drink much of his milk/kefir from his bottle–especially before nap/bedtime. (TBH, I wish he wouldn’t have weaned himself early, and would’ve bf till 2. There, I said it.),” Jessa Duggar wrote on Instagram. “So there ya have it. If you are experiencing anxiety over this, please share all your wisdom and perfect parenting advice in the comments section below.”

[Featured Image by Jessa Seewald/Facebook]

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