‘Metal Gear Solid’ Movie Cast Unknown, Could Be Like ‘Deadpool’ And ‘Logan’

The upcoming Metal Gear Solid movie is still happening, though the cast is far from decided. Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts could be giving gamers and moviegoers alike a reason to look forward to it, as he’s saying it could be a lot like Deadpool and Logan.

If you think too much about that last statement, it actually sounds contradictory. Deadpool and Logan are very different kinds of movies. The former went for the “parody on itself” route, with a main character who is very aware of the history of comic book movies and his own disappointing cinematic origins in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. The latter took a far more serious direction, with the titular character being a grizzled old man in a world that seems nothing like the previous movies where Hugh Jackman played the role.

Those two films really had three major things in common: They were produced by 20th Century Fox, they were in the X-Men universe, and they were both rated R. It’s the latter of these to which Vogt-Roberts was referring when he said that the Metal Gear Solid movie was like both of them.

Of course, fans of the video game franchise might look at classic characters like Vulcan Raven and Psycho Mantis and say it’s had its share of mutants.

Psycho Mantis from ‘Metal Gear Solid’ could be a mutant by ‘X-Men’ standards. [Image by Konami]

Don’t expect the upcoming movie based on the franchise to end up being another big-budget disappointment like Assassin’s Creed, which seemed to focus more on reminding us of the video games than actually staying true to the original story. That film seemed too bent on delivering parkour and panning shots of eagles, even to the point of interrupting the action. Otherwise, it was a good movie, but it wasn’t what moviegoers in general wanted, as box office results indicated.

Vogt-Roberts wants to deliver the movie that “superfans” of the video games want to see, as VG247 reports.

“That is a property [which] I will fight tooth and nail to make sure is done properly, because it’s so easy to screw it up. [It’s] so easy for a studio to try and make it into G.I. Joe, or … Mission: Impossible, or … something that it’s not.”

Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts cited parts of the game that were hyper-violent and says those weren’t the core of Metal Gear Solid. He states that each character was more of a walking philosophical statement, with a backstory that makes you think and sometimes re-evaluate your life. Even Hal “Otacon” Emmerich, who was initially little more than a scientist/anime nerd hiding in a locker, turned out to have a deep love interest in the villainous Sniper Wolf, whose own backstory turned out, in the long run, to be very similar to his. Although pining for someone allegedly out of his league, he’d managed to invent stealth camouflage, which made Solid Snake invisible as long as he stayed still.

Even the minor characters in the franchise have deep backstories, which make them more than just plot devices.

Hideo Kojima has had some influence over the upcoming ‘Metal Gear Solid’ movie. [Image by Kevin Winter/Getty Images]

It appears that Vogt-Roberts is also aware of where Metal Gear Solid and its movie-like cast of characters originated. He has met Hideo Kojima, who had left Konami in the middle of production for Silent Hills and resulted in its cancellation.

“It is such a genius, idiosyncratic work, and being able to spend time with [Hideo] Kojima recently has been like a dream. Unlike a comic book [which has] had 40 writers or 100 writers over the course of a decade or two decades or whatever, for decades now Metal Gear Solid has essentially had one voice.”

It appears that Jordan Vogt-Roberts is determined to end the curse of the video game movie, but he’s going to have to do it better than Ubisoft did with Assassin’s Creed. With a smaller budget, that could be difficult.

[Featured Image by Konami]

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