Republicans Are Splitting From Donald Trump Amidst Muslim Ban Fiasco

The United States of America is experiencing a massive split when it comes to Donald Trump’s presidency. Trump further fanned the flames when he issued an executive order that bars the citizens of seven Muslim countries from entering the United states for three months. This recent order by Donald Trump has divided America more, and he might have also divided the people in his own backyard – the Republicans.

According to Telegraph, the seven nations that are affected by the Muslim ban are Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Iraq. Donald Trump also issued an order that effectively stops the coming of Syrian refugees to the United States. This is causing a big argument with the pro and anti-Trump factions. With barely a month into office, this does not bode well for Donald Trump’s quest for a second term.

Donald Trump is also having problems within his own party. According to Time, some Republicans are already criticizing the latest policy of Donald Trump. Certain individuals are concerned with what President Trump is going to do next with his hyper-nationalistic approach to the presidency.

There are already a handful of GOP members of congress who are voicing their displeasure with Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration and refugee ban. Also, those who are speaking against Trump are part of the most influential individuals of the Republican Party. Chief among them is the top Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, who has said that America is in danger of implementing a religious test.

The Republicans might have a point in trying to steer clear of Donald Trump’s radical immigration order. There are huge mass protests that are sweeping across the whole United States and will continue growing if Donald Trump continues to isolate America. There are stories of green card holders, legal United States residents, who are held in airports and refugees and not able to enter the country. This has caused further division to a country that was already pretty split, to begin with.

This has led Donald Trump and his team to backtrack on certain issues concerning the Muslim ban. Trump has downplayed the Muslim ban tag and has flip-flopped on the issue regarding the green card holders. This is an obvious attempt by Donald Trump to remedy a situation that is already spiraling out of control.

Senator Susan Collins of the Republican party is also against Trump’s Muslim ban. Her concern stems from Iraqi nationals who aided the United States in the war. Donald Trump’s executive order will block those individuals from residing in the U.S. Senator Jeff Flake has said that they America “needs to have a clear-eyed view of radical Islamic terrorism without ascribing radical Islamic terrorist views to all Muslims.”

As of now, a lot of Republican members of the Senate are still keeping silent regarding the whole issue. But it certainly looks like the number of those in the party who are not fans of Donald Trump’s immigration order will continue to increase.

However, Donald Trump still has some Republicans who are in agreement with his latest executive order. Paul Ryan, who used to be totally against any type of Muslim ban, did a full turn around and stated that the new executive order on immigration is necessary to protect the United States of America.

The Republicans’ concern is that Donald trump’s executive order is too broad and could hurt U.S. standing with the Muslim nation. Some Republicans fear that Muslims will start to think that Donald Trump’s America views all Muslims as Jihadists.

Donald Trump is at a crucial point of his presidency. Which is a shocker since he is just freshly sworn in. Trump will need to get the people of the United States to rally behind him, but first, he might need to get back to the good graces of his fellow Republicans.

[Featured Image by Elaine Thompson/AP Images]

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