Little-Known Facts About ‘Bachelor’ Nick Viall

From Andi Dorfman, to Kaitlyn Bristowe, to the sands of Bachelor in Paradise, Nick Viall has placed his stamp on them all — and now he’s choosing among his own cadre of women on The Bachelor. Fans know a lot of things about this Wisconsin native, like the fact that, well, he’s been on three different Bachelor shows.

He infamously revealed fantasy suite details during the After the Final Rose special on Andi’s season — visit the ABC video here in case you need a reminder — which, up until that point, had been a no-no since no cameras are present for that special date near the end of the season. He got his heart broken by Kaitlyn and just couldn’t quite make it work on Paradise.

Here are some other curious facts about Nick, who just came into the Bachelor world a couple of years ago — but somehow, feels like he’s been a part of it forever.

He loves to take a selfie.

Nick may be called many things, but shy is not one of them. The well-groomed Bachelor is never too far from a camera, and as his Instagram feed shows, he is not above even posting a picture of himself taking a selfie — a selfie of a selfie, if you will. Just a week ago, his feed included a pic of Nick primping using the reflective surface of his phone.

He may be more exposed on ‘The Bachelor’ than he realizes.

You’d think that after going through the Bachelor mill three times, Viall would be cozy enough with producers to not get any surprises — or at least to know all the potential tricks up the producers’ sleeves. But recently Viall revealed that’s not the case. In his blog for People last week, Viall said that infamous moment with Corinne in the bouncy castle wasn’t necessarily meant for wide-scale viewing. At a minimum, he didn’t know they would be in plain view of the other women.

“I am dating these women and I respect the fact that some of them felt uncomfortable for seeing Corinne and me more intimate in the bounce castle than they would have liked. I would never have intentionally put that in the women’s faces like that. I thought it was a more private moment, and I do regret the effect it had.”

As an aside, Viall also revealed on that blog post that his bond with Corinne isn’t necessarily all physical — he claimed to feel a “strong connection” to the young entrepreneur with a nanny who still makes her bed in the morning.

Becca Tilley Nick Viall 'The Bachelor'
Nick Viall, shown here with fellow ‘Bachelor’ franchise alum Becca Tilley, has had a bit of an image makeover during his time in the spotlight. [Image by David Becker/Getty Images]

He entered Kaitlyn’s season late and knew her before the show started.

During Nick’s season of The Bachelor, there have already been a few moments of mystery — or not-so-much-mystery — with a few of the women. On night one, it was revealed one of the contestants, Liz, had hooked up with Nick at the wedding of another couple of Bachelor alums, Jade and Tanner. But if Viall seemed irked at Liz’s presence, since he’d apparently offered his phone number after their hook-up and she turned him down, he has his own history of coming into a Bachelor party with a bit of an advantage (or baggage). As Vulture recalled, he didn’t enter Kaitlyn’s season until Episode 4, after the two had already struck up an online friendship.

'Bachelor' Nick Viall
Nick Viall hopes to find love as the man giving out roses on ‘The Bachelor.’ [Image by Phillip Faraone/Getty Images]

He is a model of sorts and crossfit enthusiast.

Bachelor fans who want some Nick eye candy can head to his Instagram to see a circular shot of him deadlifting during a crossfit workout. It may be the right look for a man who also enjoys pocket squares and who recently revealed to Jimmy Kimmel he’s no longer selling software since his time on The Bachelor has given him other opportunities.

The Bachelor airs Monday night on ABC.

[Featured Image by Jeff Schear/Getty Images]

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