Free To Play MMORPG ‘Crystal Saga’ Celebrates First Anniversary: Opens French Server

Browser-based MMORPG Crystal Saga celebrated its first anniversary in a big way by announcing the opening of a new French language server. The game is developed by Reality Squared Game, in partnership with Aeria Games, who assisted in the publication and expansion of the popular MMO. Crystal Saga offers gamers a choice of over 100 servers and boasts an audience of five million users.

The game is described as follows by the publishers:

“Crystal Saga is a refined free-to-play browser MMORPG. Not only does it offer a vast virtual world, but also features a captivating and detailed storyline. Players may choose from five available classes: Mage, Paladin, Priest, Ranger and Rogue. Explore and discover the wide variety of attainable mounts, weapons and items. Find a group and take down wild beasts and barbarians, gaining glory and equipment to aid your progress. Tame a slew of available pets, aiding you and your group in battle. Participate in one of the many daily contests, events and dungeons that Crystal Saga has to offer. What are you waiting for? Join thousands of other players, as you explore and progress through the world of Vidalia!”

No anniversary celebration would be complete without some good news, and Reality Squared highlighted the joyous event with the announcement of the addition of the highly anticipated French server.

Gamers who speak French as their first language can now enjoy Crystal Saga in their native tongue, and non-French speaking players, who might enjoy a practical, hands on lesson to learn to parlez Francais, should also consider giving the new server a go. It is hard to imagine a more enjoyable way to study a foreign language than to learn while playing your favorite game.

Lets all have a bit of fun before we part. We proudly present the legend of Crystal Saga in French:

“Au commencement, l’univers était à peine une masse de chaos. Des éclairs assourdissants accompagnés de tonnerres déchiraient le ciel de par le monde, tandis que le soleil brûlant et lourd réchauffait la surface de la Terre jusqu’à la rendre bouillante. C’était un monde sans vie, tout n’était que mort et poussière.

“L’intense chaleur du Soleil écorchant illumina les crépuscules d’un rouge brillant voilant le reflet des étoiles. Le Père de l’Univers ne put supporter l’état des choses et dessina immédiatement une ombre blanche à couper le souffle, aussi inimaginable qu’une soudaine immersion dans l’eau froide, mélangeant des images dans son esprit, la lumière blanche jaillissante entoura le ciel et en un instant recouvrit entièrement la planète. Des débris de pierres volèrent dans toutes les directions, un sable jaune obscurcit le Soleil et la croute terrestre émergea de la Terre, éblouissante de la beauté de sa renaissance. Cette renaissance secoua la Terre jusqu’à son noyau même…”

We wouldn’t want to leave our non-French speaking readers frustrated and wondering, so here is the translation. You can read the entire story at the Crystal Saga Website and use Goggle Translate to convert it to English. Have fun!

“In the beginning, the universe was just a mass of chaos. Accompanied by deafening lightning tore the sky thunders around the world, while the hot sun and heavy warmed the Earth’s surface to make it hot. It was a world without life, everything was dead and dust.

“The intense heat of the sun illuminated the twilight skinning bright red veiling reflection of the stars. The Father of the Universe could not bear the state of things and immediately drew a white shadow breathtaking, unimaginable as a sudden immersion in cold water, mixing images in his mind, gushing white light surrounded the sky and covered him in an instant the entire planet. Stone debris flew in all directions, yellow sand obscured the Sun and the Earth’s crust emerged from the Earth, the dazzling beauty of its renaissance. This rebirth shook the Earth to its very core…”

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