Steve Bannon ‘Hollywood Reporter’ Interview: Future White House Chief Strategist Bites Back At Critics [Opinion]

Steve Bannon’s Hollywood Reporter interview did not go to waste for the future White House Chief Strategist, as he took the opportunity to bite back at his left-wing critics and skeptics.

Michael Wolff is the journalist who conducted Steve Bannon’s Hollywood Reporter interview on Tuesday, which hadn’t been the first time the two men had chatted with one another. A couple months before Donald Trump stunned the world with an easy electorate victory over Hillary Clinton, Wolff and Bannon had met up at Steve’s place of work, which just so happens to be located inside New York City’s Trump Tower.

Wolff says that at the time of their first interview that Bannon had painted a picture of how Trump would steal the presidency from his opponent, and it was a picture that Michael admits was difficult to believe, as he called Bannon’s vision, “a preposterous-sounding scenario.”

However, Wolff is not the only person who would have found it hard to believe that Trump would take Florida, Michigan, Ohio, and the state that essentially gave him the win: Pennsylvania. The press had treated the likelihood of a Trump win over Clinton with about as much seriousness one gives an Adam Sandler movie, which isn’t very much.

When Michael went back for his second Steve Bannon Hollywood Reporter interview, the soon-to-be President Trump Chief Strategist had to gloat just a bit by saying, “I told you so.”

Wolff has to touch on the view the Left has of Bannon, as they’ve dubbed him, despite having little, in any, proof, to be nothing short of evil personified.

“In these dark days for Democrats, Bannon has become the blackest hole.”

It’s become somewhat common knowledge that Steve is a lead editor for the right-wing publication Breitbart News, which Wolff for some reason describes as “outlandish and outré,” the latter term a word he also uses to describe Donald Trump, which seems accurate considering the president-elect’s “outré” trait is part of the reason he was elected in the first place.

“Darkness is good,” Bannon tells Wolff.

“Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”

Michael speculates that the “they” Bannon is referring to are left-wingers and the mainstream press, which, if you haven’t ascertained already, are pretty much one in the same. If you don’t know about this, WikiLeaks will tell you all about it.

There is little doubt this, “darkness is good,” line will be the part of the Steve Bannon Hollywood Reporter interview the media will latch onto and dissect every which way to get to the core of what he really means by it, which is probably why Bannon said it in the first place.

Wolff then writes about a recent New York Times article that had described the activities going on inside the Trump Tower the very same day (Tuesday, November 15) he was there as “in disarray.” Wolff fails to see the disarray the Times wrote about, and he appears to come to an understanding that the mainstream media has its own agenda when it comes not just to Steve Bannon, but everything to do with Donald Trump.

“This defines the parallel realities in which liberals, in their view of themselves, represent a morally superior character and Bannon — immortalized on Twitter as a white nationalist, racist, anti-Semite thug — the ultimate depravity of Trumpism.”

As the Steve Bannon Hollywood Reporter interview chugs along, Michael Wolff, as his writing reflects, begins to “get” the man at the center of so much controversy, and, in turn, begins to understand the Americans who support Bannon and Trump. He sees that the elite media, Hollywood celebrities and ultra-rich are not on the same page, as far as how they view the world, as the people who voted for Trump.

Wolff has realized that the liberal media don’t get it, and unless they decide to make a conscious effort to explore people and things outside of their reality, they never will.

It’s this disconnect between the country’s elite and everyday Americans that made MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow say, once it was official Trump had won the presidency, on live television, “you’re awake, by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell.”

“Bannon, arguably, is one of the people most at the battle line of the great American divide — and one of the people to have most clearly seen it.”

Steve says that the Democrats have the same problem of disconnection with the people they’re supposed to serve, one of the reasons Americans flocked to Trump and ultimately gave him the win. If Trump succeeds in “making America great again,” Bannon believes Republicans will be in power for many decades to come.

The Steve Bannon Hollywood Reporter interview has the potential to give the anti-Trump crowd, critics, and skeptics a different perspective into what he stands for and, more importantly, why he stands for what he stands for. He’s in the position he’s in because everyday Americans need him to be, which Trump no doubt recognizes. Bannon hasn’t allowed his success and wealth to go to his head, which, if you ask me, is an admirable characteristic. If he can look deeper and think outside the box, anyone can.

[Featured Image by Evan Vucci/AP Images]

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