European Arrest Warrant Is Issued For Teacher Who Is On The Run With His Missing Student
A fresh appeal has been launched for the where abouts of the 15-year-old high school student Megan Stammers and her 30-year-old teacher Jeremy Forrest, both of whom are presumed to be in Europe.
It’s now been close to a week since the pair boarded a ferry from England to Calais after it was revealed they had stuck up an inappropriate relationship at their school. A European arrest warrant has been issued for Jeremy Forrest whose last confirmed sighting was from the CCTV cameras on board the ferry from Dover.
It is now believed that they are no longer in France and could be in any number of locations across the continent. Mr. Forrest’s father is also set to make a public appeal for his son to return home with Megan. Jim Forrest will speak to a number of European and domestic journalists at Sussex Police HQ.
Doubts have been raised over the involvement Sussex Police had with Interpol and the French crime authorities over where the pair could be located, which comes after the French police had stated they were not actively searching for the pair as the age of consent in their country is 15, meaning their relationship isn’t technically illegal.
Interpol have also failed to confirm it’s efforts with neither Megan nor Mr. Forrest possessing a profile on the international crime agency’s website. Megan’s friends and family continue to raise appeals for her to return home over social networking devices and various online outlets whilst Bishop Bell school, where the two met, is coming under increasing pressure due to its apparent lackadaisical approach to their relationship.