Woman Puts Breast Milk In Coffee Creamer Bottle As Sweet Revenge Against Co-Worker

There’s nothing worse than co-workers who steal your stuff from the communal office fridge, but one woman got the perfect revenge after someone kept pinching her coffee creamer.

She reportedly filled her normal coffee creamer container with her own breast milk and placed it in the fridge.

Later that week, she wrote a note, which she wrapped around the coffee creamer container, reading, “Good morning. To whomever [sic] has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week… Surprise!!!”

“You’ve been drinking my breast milk. Hope you’ve enjoyed — cheers!”

Stolen coffee creamer was breast milk
[Image via Reddit]

While the thief would have no doubt felt horrified at what they had been adding to their coffee all week, the woman posted a reassuring postscript to let them know drinking breast milk is harmless.

Signing the note simply “B,” she wrote, “P.S. It’s organic. So no worries.”

Since posting the photo of her revenge on Reddit, the woman has racked up thousands of likes and comments. Some Reddit users even implied the office thief should be pleased with the news, due to the nutritional qualities of human breast milk.

One user wrote, “I would find out who it was and charge them for the great nutritional supplement they got for free.”

Another commented rather appropriately, “Actually human milk is delicious I used to love it as a kid.”

Others pointed out the dangers of placing your breast milk in a public place, with one commenting, “Especially when you take into consideration that breast milk is one of the five bodily fluids that transmit HIV (blood, plasma, vaginal fluid, semen and breast milk).”

In related news on the Inquisitr:

As reported by the Daily Mail, the photo of the note was also shared on Facebook by the popular mother’s page Breastfeeding Mama Talk.

Within three hours, the photo reportedly attracted more than 12,000 likes and quite the mixture of comments by social media users, including, “If I run out of milk or creamer I use breast milk – It’s seriously the best coffee creamer.”

However, according to Metro, this lady wasn’t the first person to seek revenge using such a passive-aggressive note.

Reportedly earlier in July, Gerry Houston, 40, a manager at the Pound Express household goods store in Saltcoats, U.K., totally embarrassed a petty criminal after finding an empty condom box in the store.

He stuck up a note with a message, wishing the thief a “pleasant evening” when using the stolen product and warning the thief never to return to the store.

The note read, “To the thief who stole the contents of this product, I hope you managed to give your partner a pleasant evening.”

“However, you have been caught on CCTV. So if you come back in you will be reported to the police.

“I will also have great pleasure in letting everyone know what you stole, many thanks, Gerry.”

Houston also placed the empty condom carton right on the handwritten note to hammer home his point. However, while he did know the identity of the thief, Houston said he didn’t want to name him. He rather wanted to give the shoplifter a red face about the issue.

[Image via Nirat.pix/Shutterstock]

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