Elizabeth Warren Joins Hillary Clinton In Verbal Trump Assault [Video]

Elizabeth Warren has joined Hillary Clinton, and the two were holding hands in Ohio as they unified against the onslaught of attacks from GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. The two women who most see as the next president and vice-president (rumored) of the United States have joined forces in their unified platform to defeat Donald Trump in the November general election.

What is for sure now beyond a reasonable doubt is that Elizabeth Warren has endorsed and sided with Hillary Clinton, if for nothing else, to make sure that Donald Trump doesn’t take up residence at the White House in 2017. Warren and Clinton have been relentless in their criticism of Trump for his narcissistic views on women, Islam, and immigrants, among others.

According to a report on Bloomberg, Warren joined Clinton onstage in Ohio on Monday in front of a sign that said “Stronger Together.” The two held hands and spoke to the crowd in Ohio on an unwavering platform of Democratic ideas and principles that would ultimately begrudge Donald Trump for his often fiery rhetoric that riles crowds of people who most spectators call racists and imperialists.

But it was Elizabeth Warren who stole the show right up front with her comments about what Clinton can do in this race for the White House.

“Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States because she knows what it takes to beat a thin-skinned bully who is driven by greed and hate,” Elizabeth Warren told the 2,000-strong crowd in Ohio. “She doesn’t whine. She doesn’t run to Twitter to call her opponent’s fat pigs or dummies. No, she just remembers who really needs someone on their side. And she gets up and keeps right on fighting for the people who need her most.”

Hearing Elizabeth Warren speak was also enough to inspire Hillary Clinton to map the senator’s own talking points that she so often lets out on social media platform Twitter.

“I must say I do just love to see how she (Elizabeth Warren) gets under Donald Trump’s thin skin. As Elizabeth made clear, Donald Trump proves every day he’s not in it for the American people, he’s in it only for himself,” Hillary Clinton said at the event. “And Elizabeth reminds us of that every chance she gets because it is really important that voters here in Ohio and voters across America understand this. She exposes him (Donald Trump) for what he is.”

Clinton went as far as to liken Trump to a cheesy salesperson on TV who tries to sell you something that he classifies as invaluable by saying that Trump “tried to turn a global economic challenge into an infomercial,” referring to his response to the Brexit vote.

Elizabeth Warren also cashed in on Trump’s response to Brexit by using it to show what she perceives as his real purpose in the 2016 campaign.

“Trump cheered on Britain’s current crisis which has sucked billions of dollars out of your retirement accounts because, he said, hey, it might bring more rich people to his new golf course,” Elizabeth Warren told the cheering crowd.

Clinton did not back down from addressing her own platform, which most have wondered about, especially those who support Bernie Sanders. The liberal platform would suggest that Clinton is in favor of a $15 minimum wage that can better help poor, working-class families make ends meet.

“I got into this race because I wanted to even the odds for people who have the odds stacked against them,” Clinton told the crowd. “This is not a time for half measures. To build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, we have got to go big and we have got to go bold.”

It is still unclear at this time if Elizabeth Warren will join Hillary Clinton on the Democratic ticket in November.

[Photo by John Sommers II/Getty Images]

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