The Despicable Actions Of This High School Coach Violate The Most Basic Teacher Principles

These days it has become quite obvious that a growing portion of teachers and school staff are just not that trustworthy. Whether it be high school, elementary school, or yes, even preschool, the type of employees who used to be deemed above reproach are now making headlines for horrible actions, ranging from immoral to illegal.

This week, a high school baseball coach in Clarksville, Tennessee was caught in a routine traffic stop, only to find that he was operating a dark business on the side. According to the Washington Post,Lance Loeffler, a baseball coach and substitute teacher at Fort Campbell High School, was pulled over by a police officer for neglecting to wear his seat belt.

A former Army pilot, the high school employee was medically discharged after being shot from the air in Iraq.

Apparently, prior to the traffic stop, Clarksville Police Department officers watched nearby as the high school coach stopped at a house infamous for drug trafficking. Samantha Clark, a passenger in the vehicle, was seen leaving the truck to enter the house and returning to the truck a short time later. She was forthcoming with the police regarding the drug paraphernalia in the vehicle.

The Tennessean reports that a black case was found in the center console of the coach’s truck, which contained apple bags, one baggie of brown powder (confirmed as heroin), two baggies which held a “crystal substance” (which turned out to be meth), as well as a spoon and a straw. The warrant also notes the high school teacher was in possession of two digital scales, six pistols, and one rifle.

Why did the high school coach have this bevy of illegal items? Apparently, he needed “extra money,” and felt that selling meth would be a successful means to that end. The heroin was simply “a gift” from someone.

Fort Campbell High School is very unique, as it is an Army high school. There is only one other such school in the country. As stated on the FCHS website, their students deal with a very different kind of stress than most, as their parents are part of a military division with a high rate of deployment and frequent relocation.

“Fort Campbell High School (FCHS), founded in 1962, is 1 of the only 2 Army high schools in the United States. FCHS serves a very transient student population. Less than 10% of our students begin and complete their secondary education at FCHS, requiring the professional staff to continually assess the gaps in each child’s education to ease the stress of frequent relocations.

“Fort Campbell is home to the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). The 101st is unique within the U.S. Military because of its rapid deployment/quick strike mission. It is common for the families of our students to be disrupted with no advance notice for long periods of time. We provide a broad range of guidance services dealing with both the educational and emotional consequences of such disruptions.”

Parent Jennifer Lay states she took her son out of the baseball season before it reached the end. She did not share her reasons, except to say it had nothing to do with the coach’s selling meth.

“All the military kids have are sports. It’s sad, is what it is. We’re all lucky nothing serious happened.”

The high school coach has been placed in the Montgomery County Jail. Bail has been set at a whopping $61,000. It does not appear that Samantha Clark was booked, as well.

It’s hard to believe these actions were perpetrated by a high school teacher and baseball coach, someone who parents trust to instill good values into their children. Unfortunately, this high school coach missed the mark.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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