Harry Styles And Louis Tomlinson ‘Larry’ Theory — Mental Illness Scandal Hits Twitter

Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson were very close in the early days of One Direction, and some fans developed an elaborate theory that the two are in a secret relationship, which was given the name “Larry.”

When Louis Tomlinson had a child with stylist Briana Jungwirth, it came as an especially big shock to the Larry cohort of One Direction fans. Briana experienced a lot of trolling and was hit by tidal waves of internet hate from Larries, non-Larries worried that she was using Louis Tomlinson for money, and general haters. The Sun reported that at one point, Briana was considering suing One Direction fans for targeting her so viciously.

Today, a beautiful new video of Briana and baby Freddie Tomlinson emerged. Fans gushed that Briana is an amazing mother.

Some people lashed out at Larries, pointing out the extraordinary hate the young mother receives.

One person said, “I’m ashamed to share a fandom with Larries,” implying that the gay theorists are the number one offenders when it comes to hating on Louis Tomlinson, Freddie Tomlinson, and Briana.


Briana fans also went crazy for a sweet message written by Briana’s mom, who praised her daughter for being so strong throughout the whole adventure that began so unexpectedly when Briana dated Louis Tomlinson.


Briana sometimes reaches out to fans asking them to show sensitivity or even to delete posts that are “getting [her] lots of hate.” One fan reported that the Calabasas stylist asked her to delete a photo mash-up on Instagram that shows how Briana has changed since high school.

It is not known why Briana wanted this particular photo grid removed. Briana only says that the post was provoking people to target her.

Perhaps Briana was unhappy with the way she looked in some of the older shots, or perhaps the blonde-turned-brunette is worried about fanning the suspicions of people who accuse her of being a fake.

Ever since Briana arrived on the scene, people have alleged that she was hired by Modest Management to deflect attention from Louis Tomlinson’s secret homosexuality. Some people even dug out selections of photos where Briana’s face looks very different, and Larries allege that Modest hired not just one actress but a group of actresses to pretend to be Louis Tomlinson’s girlfriend.

Speaking of Larry: A new term has emerged in recent months for fans who used to believe in Larry, but no longer do.

These One Direction fans are being referred to as “recovering Larries.”

Such fans admit that they got swept up in a web of deception and that they were misled by videos that make it look like Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are making lover’s eyes at one another.

Antis have long argued that such videos, including those posted by key Larry theorist freddieismyqueen, are edited carefully to present a distorted picture of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson’s relationship.

For example, segments featuring Harry and Louis looking at one another will be slowed down using editing software so it looks like the One Direction singers are staring longingly into each others’ eyes. The footage will be set to romantic music and accompanied by captions declaring that Harry and Louis are clearly in love.

The term “recovering Larries” has proven controversial.

Some fans, determined to protect the honor of Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, started writing that Larries have a mental illness. Larries immediately seized on this, accusing the Antis of being crass and insensitive.


Antis had long accused Larries of “forcing a sexuality” on Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Some Larries shot back, arguing that the mental illness accusations are akin to “forcing a mental illness.”


Antis have argued that Larries who create explicitly pornographic “manips” of Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, tagging the boys in the images and declaring them gay against their will, are not showing support for gay rights and sexual freedom, as Larries claim they are.

Antis accuse Larries of “fetishizing gays” and say that no one is as obsessed with the sexuality of the One Direction boys as Larries are.

The new mental illness controversy this week had Larries turning the tables.


Antis stuck to their guns, emphasizing that Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are human beings who have declared that they are not gay.

One person wrote, “It’s not ‘Larry’ who deserves respect but Harry & Louis who are real people, not tools for a debate about sexuality.”

Some Larries have claimed that they learned a lot about gay rights and LGBT issues through debating about Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, and for this reason “Larries deserve respect.”

Should Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson speak up about Larry?

[Photo Charles Sykes/Invision/AP Images]

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