Skin Tightening In 2016: What New Treatments Really Tighten Skin Without Plastic Surgery?

With news about skin tightening procedures creating buzz online, folks might wonder what’s really working to tighten the skin and what isn’t. The star of Modern Family, Sofia Vergara, filed a $15 million lawsuit against Venus Concept, as reported by People Magazine, for claiming that the 43-year-old’s image and likeness was used by the company. Sofia did indeed use the Legacy skin tightening massage treatment, but apparently she found that the skin tightening treatment wasn’t worth the money and time that it took her to use it back in August, 2014, when getting ready for the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards.

“Vergara tried the Legacy treatment, but ultimately did not like it, finding that it was a waste of time and money with little in the way of any results.”

Another popular skin tightening treatment that has gotten loads of buzz is called Ultherapy. The skin tightening treatment can cost $5,000, reports the New York Post. While some love the non-invasive Ultherapy tightening treatment — even if they report feeling like they’ve been punched in the face — others on Real Self have some pretty scary Ultherapy reviews.

The fact that the #skintightening hashtag has 13,929 posts on Instagram proves that the skin tightening curiosity isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It also gives viewers a peek into the types of skin tightening treatments that real people are actually trying in 2016.

Such research proves that mesotherapy is one skin tightening treatment. As reported by Haute Living, mesotherapy involves injections of substances that help melt fat that’s excreted out of the body. It also involves injecting substances that draw moisture and claim to renew and tighten the skin by encouraging collagen to increase as in the days of former youthfulness. The #mesotherapy hashtag has 13,359 posts

Another skin tightening treatment is vacuum therapy, with #vacuumtherapy enjoying less Instagram press, with 1,779 posts as of this writing. The treatment shows photos of folks who seek perkier posterior sections and those who are trying to get rid of hard lumps after liposuction or attempting to tighten loose skin.

Other radio frequency skin tightening procedures like Thermage fill the news, especially since being dubbed Gwyneth Paltrow’s skin tightening treatment of choice by Yahoo! News.

“I would do it again, because I feel like it took five years off my face.”

As reported by Yahoo! News, Gwyneth Paltrow found the pain of Thermage worth it, because of the years of youth it gave back to the actress.

“Thermage (Solta Medical) is a noninvasive skin tightening treatment that uses radiofrequency technology to smooth fines lines and wrinkles and to tighten and lift the skin of the face and body. Thermage treatments can be divided into 2 categories: more superficial treatments for skin tightening of the face, neck, and eyelid and deeper treatments for body contouring on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and arms. During the procedure radiofrequency energy penetrates deep into the skin to heat the underlying connective tissue that supports the skin. This causes immediate tightening of the skin and stimulates the formation of new collagen, which promotes further tightening and lifting over time.”

On Instagram, #thermage enjoys 16,378 posts, with some on Instagram touting other processes that go beyond what they call Thermage’s limitations of the single-frequency treatment.

With the desire to have skin tightened in the neck area, the jowls, the stomach, the buttocks and other parts of the body, those who seek these skin tightening procedures will continue to fill social media with their results and reviews. The ultimate skin tightening procedures feature things customers seek: little downtime, not too much pain, and an effective skin tightener that truly improves the elasticity and quality of their skin, with long-lasting results.

[PRNewsFoto/Bowes Dermatology]

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