Starbucks Begins US Products Push Made Domestically to Stimulate Economy
Starbucks is starting to make US-made products in a bid to begin stimulating the economy from within the States, and has launched a campaign to promote its “Create Jobs for USA” (which is somewhat Yakov Smirnoff-sounding) initiative in its 7,000 domestic locations.
Wait, Starbucks has 7,000 US locations? I was certain it had 7,000 locations in freaking Midtown. Whatever. Anyway, lots of big companies talk a good game when it comes to economic recovery, but few are willing to put their money where their mouths are (because, let’s face it, interest is better offshore) and actually begin reinvesting in the American economy, so good on Starbucks.
And if you had to pick a team of teflon US brands, Starbucks would probably be on top. I mean, if we were playing Money Dodgeball, I would certainly call Starbucks up off the bleachers in my top five.
Are any other brands like Starbucks in the US selling to a pool of captive addicts without the restriction of alcohol or tobacco laws? I think not.
The new Starbucks US products push does not affect the whole store, but the coffee giant will be selling a limited-edition mug, tumbler and a bag of coffee called the “Indivisible Blend,” all made here in the States.
For each purchase of the made in America mugs or tumblers, Starbucks will kick in $2 from the $9.95 or $11.95 price to its “Create Jobs For USA” fund.
If you purchase a bag of the “Indivisible Blend” coffee, Starbucks will donate $5 of the $14.95 per lb. price to the kitty. While Starbucks US products push is admirable, it may not have a huge effect on the economy itself- but hopefully it will inspire other companies whose bread and butter is US consumers to keep jobs here and pay a living wage to well-treated employees.