Austrian Brothel ‘Free Sex’ Protests High Taxes As Nevada Brothel Moonlite Bunny Ranch Bans Josh Duggar [Video]

An Austrian brothel is offering free sex as its own special way of protesting taxes. In addition to providing intimate relationships at no charge, the brothel is providing free drinks as well, reported ABC News.

But don’t worry about the women who work in the Pascha bordello. The owner reassures those concerned about that issue that he will figure out a way to compensate them for the amount that they typically would receive from their clients.

The Web site spells it out clearly.

“Effective immediately: Free Entrance! Free Drinks! Free Sex!”

Austrian brothel owner Hermann Mueller, who also owns brothels in Germany, came up with the free concept when he was frustrated over what he views as outrageously high taxes. While prostitution there is regulated and legal, Mueller has been hard hit with more than $5 million in taxes over the last 10 years.

However, the Austrian brothel’s free sex offer has been too popular, reported the Daily Mail. As a result, they had to disappoint hundreds of hopeful customers.

The self-described “red light district king” denied that he is trying to evade paying taxes of dealing in human trafficking. The latter allegation results from the fact that most of those employed in Austrian brothels are migrants.

An estimated 15,000 clients flock to Austrian prostitutes daily, and 25 percent of women arrested for street prostitution have sexually transmitted diseases.

In the United States, some Nevada counties allow brothels, as well. But the owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch has banned Josh Duggar, reported the Wrap.

Following the child molestation scandal, the 19 Kids and Counting TV personality will not be able to enter the Moonlite. The brothel in Nevada became famous from HBO’s Cathouse.

However, the brothel’s owners said that, when they learned Duggar was reported to have molested five underage girls when he was in his teens, they felt that they needed to ban him in order to protect their employees, because of the possibility that one of them might work here.

“My number-one priority has got to be the safety of my girls. We employ 500 girls at any one time, and we’ve had tens of thousands of them come and go over the years. With the Duggars having 19 kids, it is just simple math that the odds are much greater than usual that one of their daughters might come work for us at some point. There’s no way I would ever put them or any other girl in harm’s way, should that brother of theirs come prowling around here. He’s persona non grata, starting now.”

As the Inquisitr reported, Anna and Josh Duggar posted on social media about forgiveness, and doing right, just before the scandal broke.

The 19 Kids And Counting stars have revealed that even before she married into the famous Duggar family, Anna was aware of exactly what had happened two years prior to Josh’s marriage proposal.

“I was surprised at his openness and humility and at the same time didn’t know why he was sharing it. For Josh, he wanted not just me but my parents to know who he really was – even very difficult past mistakes.”

[Photo by Ed Wray / Getty Images]

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