GOP Convention Bans Squirt Guns, Real Guns Are Fine Though
Florida loves guns, they have one of the strongest gun lobby movements in the United States and that likely explains why the GOP Convention which will be held in the state was able to get squirt guns banned this week while handheld guns will still be allowed outside the building.
The city council members in charge of security have already put a temporary ban on clubs, hatchets, switchblades, pepper spray, slingshots, chains, shovels and all manner of guns that shoot water, “paint or air.”
The new gun control law was passed last year and knowed down a longstanding local gun control law that according to the New York Times allowed city governments from “enacting any ordinances on the sale, possession or use of firearms.”
The Tampa government wanted to ban handguns outside of the convention hall however state law imposes a $100,000 fine on local governments who try to handle such rules. In the meantime the Security Service under Federal law is allowed to ban all handguns from inside the convention hall.
Anyone carrying a gun must also be carrying a concealed weapon permit.
In the meantime the GOP convention and Florida’s own gun laws couldn’t come at a worst time for the Republican leg legislature in the state following the shooting of Trayvon Martin under the states horribly written “stand your ground” law which will likely allow killer George Zimmerman to go free.
A bit of advice for GOP lawmakers attending the convention, especially Mitt Romney, I probably wouldn’t be eating from a bag of skittles while enjoying your time in the Sunshine state.