60 seconds on the Internet is a very long time and lots happens [Infographic]

Those of us that live in a tech world and spend a lot of time on the web joke about how much difference the sense of time is on the Internet compared to our normal world sense of time. Everything happens faster on the web and so much gets compressed into a very small period of time; but do we really understand just how much things can change within 60 seconds?

This was the question that the GO-Gulf.com web design company was asking when they put together a really interesting infographic. Here’s a few of the more interesting things that can happen every sixty seconds.

  • 710 computers will be sold, 555 of them containing an Intel product.
  • 450 copies of Windows 7 sold.
  • $219,000 of total payments transactions through PayPal with $10,000 being from mobile.
  • 81 Apple iPads and 925 iPhones sold.
  • 18 Amazon Kindle Fires sold.
  • 11 Xbox 360 consoles sold.

Here’s the full infographic.

via Redmond Pie

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