Adorable Dog Shows Family His Talent Of Opening Christmas Presents [Video]
For families who really love their pets, no Christmas is complete without your fury friends joining you around the tree in the morning to open up presents. But even if your Christmas isn’t complete without your dog or cat nearby, you probably let the magic of seeing your Christmas gifts for the first time happen by your own force, not by your dog tearing open your packages.
As often is the case these days, Reddit has been the source of this particularly video’s popularity. Because of that sarcasm has been slathered all over the comment section, or so one might think. Who knows if these “animal rights activists” are serious or not?
“So much animal cruellty witnessed in this video. This dog is obviously distressed, as a dog expert at /r/dogs i call a boicot against this irresponsible owner. Only a saddistic person would teach their own child torture their own pets.”
[Image via YouTube]