‘Door Monster’ Gives Halloween Treats, Tricks, In Most Surprising Way

If you’re looking for a unique way to give out Halloween treats next year, you’ll be hard pressed to beat the trick devised by an online production group called White Lightning HQ. Using an unusual door, a webcam, and a little fabric, they created a giant Halloween monster to pass out treats — and a few tricks.

In the video (below), the creators explain their idea. Since they have a large “castle door” in the front of their home, they’ve designed a Halloween “monster” consisting of just two elements — a hand, and a giant eyeball. The eye is connected to a webcam, and the hand passes Halloween treats through the opening in the door, creating the illusion of one giant monster inside.

There are treats for sweet trick-or-treaters, and a trick or two, when some bigger kids attack the eyeball. The monster throws candy at a few kids who just can’t stop poking and prodding its giant eye. Check out the video below to see the excellent interactions.

The Halloween video has prompted lots of suggestions for future upgrades, including a voice modulator to simulate a monster talking or roaring, and a spray bottle, silly string, or squirt bottle to ward off the kids who mess with the roving eyeball.

The creators say they’re giving these suggestions thought, as well as the idea of having an additional person sitting outside, perhaps in costume as well, to stop the kids who get handsy. As for suggestions of heaping the Halloween visitors who mishandle themselves with verbal abuse, White Lightning HQ says that’s not an option they gave serious weight.

“Chucking candy at his head seemed like a slightly more rewarding option. It ended up feeling pretty satisfactory.”

Most of the Halloween celebrants, though, seem to love the giant monster, and are generally pretty gracious, thanking him for the treats and giggling hysterically when he misses the buckets. (The production company’s take on tossing the treats: “Hitting those buckets was surprisingly difficult! But I soldiered on through the defeats, and definitely got better at it by the end.”)

The video ends on an adorable note, with one sweet little treat-seeker saying, “I like that monster.”

The Halloween background music, incidentally, is provided by David Walsh, or YouTuber Ruben Invisible, made available for free for creative projects and other Halloween and spooky plans.

As for White Lightning HQ, when the eight guys on the team aren’t handing out Halloween treats, they put together podcasts, animation, and other short films.

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