South Carolina Sets Primary For Jan. 21, Laughs In The Face Of Florida
Florida recently set their primary voting period for Jan. 31 in an attempt to have their “voice heard first” and to “make their voice count” and now as a slap in the face to the southern state South Carolina has announced that their own voting day will occur on January 21.
South Carolina GOP Chairman Chad Connelly told CNN:
“Last Friday, a nine-person committee brought chaos to the 2012 calendar,” while adding, “Today, South Carolina is making things right.”
With the announcement of a Jan. 21 voting schedule the countries traditional first voting states Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada are almost certain to announce even earlier voting times to offset the changes to the current schedule.
Nevada over the weekend voted to hold their caucuses five days after the New Hampshire primary, a move that violates a law which requires that voting occur seven days after the New Hampshire voting period.
In the meantime it will be interesting to see what type of sanctions the GOP places on states that have changed their voting schedules, Florida is already expected to lose delegates for their choice to move against the GOP.
Do you think early voting in some states really helps create a lopsided race for certain candidates or is it much adieu about nothing?