Baby Laughs Hysterically At Dog Eating Popcorn

This baby laughs at something you probably wouldn’t consider funny — until you actually see her lose it, that is.

We unfortunately don’t have a lot of details to share regarding who the child or parents are. It’s just one of those things that shows up on YouTube from time to time and then explodes in popularity.

ToddleTale, a newish project from the producers of America’s Funniest Home Videos, first broke this video viral. To date, it has amassed more than 5.7 million views, 14,007 likes, and 714 dislikes.

(Seriously, what kind of a person is going to dislike this? Oh yeah, it’s YouTube.)

Anyhow, the unnamed baby girl with some of the cutest front teeth we’ve ever seen just can’t deal when her dad feeds the family dog popcorn.

She stops to gasp for breath a few times in the 1:24 video, and in typical kid fashion, it’s funny to her every single time.

While we did have to sift through a few reprobates when culling some of our favorite comments, it wasn’t as hard of a job as you might expect.

Michelle Stevens via Google+: “If this doesn’t just make you smile and giggle with glee, check to see if you still have a pulse… just totally freaking adore her… <3”

Rachael Dye calls it “Instant anti-depressant. :)”

suz salter: “I think that baby’s laugh could cure the world’s ills. Someone send this video to the heads of states, worldwide!”

MrOverman00: “I love this little girl omg she so cute like every time I’m having a bad day or just need a laugh I get on YouTube ad look her up that laugh of hers gets me every freaking time omg”

And last but not least, spamvicious says: “A baby laughing is impossible not to laugh at. The best things in life really are free…well the cost of popcorn and a dog ;)”

We’re not quite sure if we’ve ever seen something as adorable as this involving a baby come across our site, though we’ve had plenty of cute kid stories, like this one showing the reaction of a little girl to meeting her uncle (and dad’s twin) for the first time.

But after seeing how this baby laughs at her dog’s popcorn eating antics, we’ll be on the lookout for more.

After all, the world could use a little more hysterical laughter for no apparent reason, don’t you think?

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