‘Homefront: The Revolution’ Details, Screenshots And Video Emerge Ahead Of E3

Homefront: The Revolution is a game that has been in development for quite some time, but now its a reality that will be hitting consoles and Windows PCs sometime in 2015.

Homefront: The Revolution will be officially unveiled at E3, but today Crytek has unveiled a bunch of screenshots as well as an announcement trailer.

CVG.com has posted a ton of details, having apparently gotten to play a preview copy of the game. Homefront: The Revolution takes place in 2025, four years after North Korea invaded and now occupies the United States.

The Korean People’s Army (KPA) has set up its base of operations in Philadelphia and it is now up to a small group of guerrilla fighters to try and take back the country.

The KPA has the resistance group outnumbered and outgunned and so it will take some pretty stealthy attacks to win the battles taking place in Homefront: The Revolution.

Players take on Ethan Brady, one of the resistance fighters, who has no formal military training but has found a way to fight off the KPA using tricks and traps like driving an RC car strapped with explosives under a tank.

Homefront: The Revolution also features a mobile phone that Ethan carries and can be used to tag and track various enemies Brady wants to take on. This particular features seems to blend a little bit of Watch Dogs into the game.

While there are plenty of neat little toys you can use, you can also pick up various parts of the environment and use those to your advantage.

One preview video showed Ethan picking up a brick off the ground and throwing it at a security camera in order to disable it. Brady was then able to sneak into the facility he was prowling around and do some extra damage.

Hasit Zala, game director at Crytek, says the players in the game will find themselves immersed in a world that stands out from the pack because they will be fighting for freedom.

Because the enemy they are going against is a country people worry about today, the fights will seem a little more possible than if this was a story about an alien invasion or the like.

While the single player mode is compelling enough, there will also be a way to team up with friends online and form a resistance cell in to take on the KPA.

Homefront: The Revolution is due out on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 in 2015.

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