Angela Rye Calls Out Meghan McCain’s Dangerous Tweet And Slams ‘The View’ Host’s Lack Of Apology

The View host Meghan McCain found herself in hot water after a tweet earlier this week that indicated her New York City neighborhood looked like a war zone amid the protests and riots after George Floyd’s death while in the custody of former Minneapolis police officers. After a report surfaced that McCain wasn’t even in the Big Apple, McCain complained about the article, and attorney and political commentator Angela Rye called her out on Twitter for making false claims about the situation in the city.

Rye retweeted McCain’s post, where she complained that a gossip website planned to run a story about where she and her family are currently staying. The commentator added her own thoughts with the retweet.

“I don’t think you’ll ever understand how DANGEROUS what you pulled is. And even in this half-a**ed acknowledgment (a far cry from an apology), you forgot to say #BlackLivesMatter. I guess it’s easier for you to spend your time going after me and my colleagues though, huh?” Rye tweeted.

Rye’s tweet received more than 3,400 likes and nearly 800 retweets on the popular social media platform. Several hundred replied, and many Twitter users called out McCain’s original post about her neighborhood as a “Karen” moment, using the hashtag “KarenMcCain.” Some accounts even said that The View should fire her. She’s been a co-host on the long-running ABC talk show since 2017, and she’s often one of the only conservative voices on the panel, depending on the comings and goings of the show’s other co-hosts.

“@MeghanMcCain pulled a Karen move. She needs to be fired from @TheView immediately. She’s disgusting and dangerous,” demanded one angry Twitter user.

“When #KarenMcCain tweet is mostly about her means she doesn’t really care about black lives being lost at the hands of racist or aggressive cops. She’s the epitome of #WhitePrivilege and #WhiteEntitlement that lacks the emotional intelligence to care about others #BlackLivesMatter,” a second user wrote.

The acknowledgment that Rye mentioned was a tweet from McCain where she said that she supports peaceful protests, but felt heartbroken about the destruction in New York City. According to the co-host, she has lived since she was 18 years old. In the series of tweets, the talk show host admitted that her original post had been based on social media reports and news videos of the damage caused in the city instead of on her personal experience since she is not staying in the city right now.

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