San Francisco Woman Subdues Thief With Bear Spray, Japanese Training Sword

San Francisco, CA – A brave woman armed with a Japanese training sword and a can of bear spray defeated a thief who was stealing packaged from her front porch, according to Gawker.

Once she was finished capturing the criminal with her handy bokken, she took to Twitter to share the experience with her followers. Needless to say, just about everyone on the planet has been impressed with the photograph’s unique brand of vigilante justice.

“Apparently, our neighborhood thief has a violent rape rap sheet. My bear spray, bokken, and I are still not intimidated,” Sonya Yu explained on the micro-blogging website.

The SFGate reports that Yu posted a photograph of her makeshift crime-fighting kit shortly before using the items to subdue the thief in question. Since the police weren’t helping her catch the person stealing packages from her front porch, she decided to solve the problem herself.

Yu reportedly set up a trap for the thief by placing a box on her front porch. Once the bait was in place, she sat back and waited for the individual to strike. Before long, the suspect approached her porch and snatched the package. That’s when Yu sprang into action.

Police explained they didn’t have a hard time locating the perpetrator; he was the guy running around with orange on his clothes. The suspect, 51-year-old Andy Anduha, was booked on suspicion of attempted burglary.

The district attorney’s office explained that Anduha will be arraigned on one count of first-degree residential burglary for stealing packages from Yu’s doorstep. Anyone else who has been casing the professional food photographer’s home may want to rethink their game plan.

Although the bokken-wielding vigilante suffered some eye irritation from the bear spray, she said that “imagining how bad he’s suffering … makes me feel better.”

What do you think about the woman who subdued a thief using a Japanese training sword and a can of bear spray?

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