Payback Or Justice? Duggar Downfall Came After Lesbian Woman Exposed Josh Duggar’s Secrets

Tandra Barnfield garnered media attention after taking a photograph in front of the Duggar family home kissing her wife, Samantha Munzy, in response to the Duggar’s anti-gay message. The lesbian couple says that they decided to take a stance after the Duggar family sent out a robocall to the entire town of Tontitown, Arkansas, asking citizens to vote against new laws preventing anti-gay discrimination laws.

Barnsfield received the call and said the “hate-filled” message caused her to take action. She went to the Duggar home with her wife Samantha and took a photo of the pair kissing. She then posted the image to Instagram, and it instantly went viral with other gay couples doing the same. What many don’t know is that Tandra’s family personally knows the Duggars and had heard rumors of the Josh Duggar molestation prior to the media release. Therefore, when media outlets contacted Tandra about the viral photo, she says that she blew the whistle on the Josh Duggar scandal and provided information to news outlets about what had happened behind the Duggar’s closed doors.

The Daily Mail reports that after Tandra Barnfield heard the “hate-filled message” in the robocall from the Duggars a year ago, she found it hypocritical considering what she knew about the family and the Josh Duggar molestation scandal. Tandra says she is gay, but she also believes in God, and what the Duggars were doing to the gay community was wrong.

“That lit a fire in me. I’m gay and I am close to my family and we all believe in God. What the Duggars are doing is wrong.”

Therefore, Tandra decided to go to the Duggar home with her wife, Samantha Munzy, and inundate them with love. She kissed her wife in front of the home and posted the photo to Instagram. However, love wasn’t all she wanted to show the Duggars. When the photo went viral, Tandra says she began receiving calls from media outlets. She took the opportunity to expose the Duggar family’s “dark past and lies.”

In Michelle Duggar’s robocall, it stated that the Fayetteville anti-discrimination law would allow men to enter women’s restrooms, and people with child predator convictions would have legal right to enter areas reserved for women and girls.

“I don’t believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls.”

It is this statement that would prove to be the downfall of the Duggar empire. Tandra found the call offensive and ironic that the Duggar matriarch would allege that members of the gay and lesbian community have “child predator convictions” when their own son had admitted to molesting his own sisters.

“As far as Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar comparing transgender people to child molesters, they should know a thing or two about it. The Duggars have taken over the town where my family lives and the surrounding area. Because of this they have been able to bury their demons along with enforcing discriminatory views and turning them into laws. Discrimination is an ugly disease and should never be called Christianity!”

Tandra says that is why she told media outlets about the Duggar’s past and sparked the investigation into the Josh Duggar molestation scandal. She says she is not happy that the Duggars are experiencing a hard time but says she is happy that Josh has resigned from the Family Research Council.

[Image Credit: Instagram]

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