Top Five Male Covers Of ‘All About That Bass’ [Video]

“All About That Bass” has become an modern phenomenon. The hit single, by Meghan Trainor, went viral and now we cannot get enough. The song has brought about a flood of parodies and covers. One of the more recent parodies involves basting a turkey and is worth a watch, or two. Even guys cannot get enough of “All About That Bass” and and here is the proof.

These boys, Tyler and Ryan, have a number of covers over that their Youtube page, DirtyTAR. Their smooth performance gives justice to the original song. They deliver the song with their own unique spin, changing a few of the words to match their gender. Don’t worry though, it is still an awesome cover.

The Dan Band take things up a notch by singing a live version of the song while driving. They filmed their exploits and posted it for all to see. If you are up for a laugh keep watching after the song ends for a bit of a parody. Here’s a hint: it involves the fish, a bass, that was featured in the beginning.

Clayton James plays the guitar and sings! This is every woman’s dream. Once again that lyrics are changed just a bit to fit his gender, but that is perfectly fine because he delivers the song so well. And, come one, he is also playing the guitar. That is just awesome.

What’s better than one guy and a guitar? Three guys and a guitar. Tyler Ward and Two Worlds give a great show. Their singing is on point, and their, ahem, choreography is fun to watch.

This cover is by far my favorite. These cowboys give the song a Mid-Western twang, bringing new character to the pop hit. These guys are known as the Home Free Vocal Band and have been performing covers for some time; “All About That Bass” is not their first, and I am sure it is not the last.

The popularity of Meghan Trainor and her hit does not seem to be diminishing as new covers and parodies keep popping up. So which is your favorite the original “All About That Bass” or one of the many covers?

[Image Via YouTube screenshot]

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