Even the Occupy Wall Street event gets its own hackathon

It seems that every tech event these days has some sort of hackathon; which for those people not familiar with the term it means a group of programmers who get together to create all kinds of apps in a very short period of time.

So it is no surprise really that the more tech minded folks at the Occupy Wall Street protest that is happening in New York City decided that it made perfect sense for them to have their own hackathon; which took place today; or rather half-day. The idea was for them to come up with apps that could be used to promote the protest and to help the protesters better co-ordinate their efforts.

Through the site, and location, of Occupy Together, which has evolved into the main hubs for broadcasting various Occupy Wall Street events throughout the country, developers got together with a dozen or so other coders to see what they could whip up.

Some of the things being worked on were a message board for the protesters at Zuccotti Park, the main protest point in the city, that didn’t require a constant net connection in order to pass messages around. The there was the effort to make the Occupy Together website more mobile friendly; and finally an aggregated feed of data as related to the Occupy Wall Street event.

No matter what it seems, coders will be coders regardless of where they are or what they are doing.

via Wall Street Journal

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