What Is This Dog Dreaming About? It’s The Cutest Video You’ll See Today [Video]

The video above shows what has to be the cutest dog dreaming about who knows what.

The Huffington Post posted the dreaming dog video and wondered what he could possibly be dreaming about:

“Sometimes, drifting off to Neverland provides a world in which life is just better — or in this case, tastier.

“In this video from YouTube user David Coats, this sleeping pup looks like he’s mid-meal and loving whatever it is he’s eating.

“We’re not sure what this pooch is picturing — but we enjoy the visual, heartily.”

It is a good question. Is the dog dreaming video above really a dog dreaming or something else?

An article on Psychology Today asked whether dreaming dogs are, in fact, a thing. Here is what the smarties at PT had to say:

“Most dog owners have noticed that at various times during their sleep, some dogs may quiver, make leg twitches or may even growl or snap at some sleep-created phantom, giving the impression that they are dreaming about something. At the structural level, the brains of dogs are similar to those of humans. Also, during sleep the brain wave patterns of dogs are similar that of people, and go through the same stages of electrical activity observed in humans, all of which is consistent with the idea that dogs are dreaming.

“Actually if dogs didn’t dream this would be a much greater surprise given that recent evidence suggests that animals that are simpler and less intelligent than dogs seem to dream.”

In the description of the dreaming dog video, Coats described the dog this way:

“Roxy must’ve smelled something extra tasty during her afternoon nap.”

Now if you want to determine if your dog is dreaming or just possibly smelling something as Coats believed his dog was, Psychology Today had this to say:

“It is really quite easy to determine when your dog is dreaming without resorting to brain surgery or electrical recordings. All that you have to do is to watch him from the time he starts to doze off. As the dog’s sleep becomes deeper his breathing will become more regular. After a period of about 20 minutes for an average-sized dog his first dream should start. You will recognize the change because his breathing will become shallow and irregular. There may be odd muscle twitches, and you can even see the dog’s eyes moving behind its closed lids if you look closely enough. The eyes are moving because the dog is actually looking at the dream images as if they were real images of the world. These eye movements are most characteristic of dreaming sleep. When human beings are awakened during this rapid eye movement or REM sleep phase, they virtually always report that they were dreaming.”

Can’t get enough of the dreaming dog video? Check out this other video of a dog being cuter than should be legal as it comforts another dreaming dog. It’ll melt your heart.

[Image via Screenshot]

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