With many questioning exactly when George Michael’s funeral will be held, it is now being reported that George’s family and friends may be waiting until the end of February before his funeral can finally take place and they can lay him to rest.
While the former Wham! singer, 53, died on Christmas, with his body having been discovered by boyfriend Fadi Fawaz, it may still take many weeks yet for the toxicology tests to be completed, News Online from Australia have said.
A source has said that it is thought that George Michael’s funeral may be at the end of the month as toxicology tests may be finished by then and that it isn’t unusual for these tests to take eight weeks.
“In similar cases, toxicology tests can take around eight weeks, maybe a little longer, so I would have thought the results will come back towards the end of the month. There have been no new updates on the case, but from the moment of George’s death police have said it was not suspicious.”
After George Michael died the extent of his philanthropy was revealed, as reported by the Inquisitr , and Michael’s lover Fadi was questioned by police regarding the circumstances surrounding his death, but was cleared as a suspect.
Fawaz had been sleeping in his car on Christmas Eve and while surprised at George Michael’s death, posted on Twitter that he thought George had always looked forward to death, which shocked many people.
“The only thing George wanted to do is die. He tried to kill himself many times and finally he managed.”
George Michael’s closest friends disagreed that he had ever contemplated suicide and were furious at Fadi Fawaz’s claims.
With regard to the exact timing of George Michael’s funeral, Thames Valley Police have said that there are currently no updates, but that his death is not being treated as being suspicious.
George Michael’s funeral is delayed AGAIN while his body is held for further tests https://t.co/FqjaBOtWhz pic.twitter.com/1JYrP9GtLl
— Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) February 6, 2017
“As part of Thames Valley Police’s investigation on behalf of Oxfordshire Coroner into this unexplained but non-suspicious death officers are establishing facts which include taking statements. This is standard practice in cases such as this to allow the coroner to determine the circumstances of the death.”
Metro News have said that one of the reasons that the funeral arrangements for are taking so long for George Michael is that while some of the toxicology tests have been completed, there are still more that will need to be done as no cause of death has been determined. As such, the coroner is not able to release George’s body until the inquest is fully completed.
Elton John, meanwhile, has recently said that he misses his old friend greatly and has paid further tribute to George on Apple Beats 1 radio show , as the Metro News also reported. He has said that George Michael is one of the greatest vocalists to have ever lived and hopes that fans will remember him not only for his music, but also for his extreme kindness.
“I wanted to do a little tribute to him on the show because not only was he a good friend, but he was probably one of the most brilliant songwriters this country’s ever produced, and certainly one of the best vocalists ever. One of the best in the world. It was an amazing friendship based on music to start with, and I remember sitting in the car just off of Hyde Park listening to a cassette of Wake Me Up Before You Go Go and I said, ‘George, that’s the nearest record I’ve heard to a Motown record for years and years.”
Do you think George Michael’s funeral will really be at the end of February or might the toxicology tests take longer to complete?
[Featured Image by Scott Alfieri/Getty Images]