The news has been filled with reports about the dangers of drones lately, and now that Enrique Iglesias has sliced his fingers by catching a drone mid-air, those warnings continue. Iglesias grabbed the drone, reports Time, at a concert in Tijuana, Mexico. Enrique was recovering from his injuries on Sunday. His rep said the singer was “semi-treated” immediately off stage in the wake of the incident, which happened on stage on Saturday, May 30. Despite the drone injury, Iglesias was a trooper and kept playing during the concert for a while despite the mishap.
Breaking! Rt @PageSix Enrique Iglesias sliced his fingers trying to grab a drone on stage
— Jackie Bigford ?ˆ?ˆ? (@JackiesBuzz) May 31, 2015
Apparently, it wasn’t an errant drone, but one used to gain concert footage — one that the popular singer should’ve left flying around in the air. On the “ Joe Bonilla Oficial ” Instagram account, an update was given about the drone accident from Enrique’s press agent.
“LAST NIGHT IN #TIJUANA ENRIQUE IGLESIAS SUFFER[ed] AN ACCIDENT INTERACTING WITH THE DRONE IN THE SHOW. Last night Enrique had a show at a bullfight ring in Tijuana, Mexico for 12k+ people as part of his #SexandLove world tour. During the show a drone is used to get crowd shots and some nights Enrique grabs the drone to give the audience a Point of View shot.
Something went wrong and he had an accident. He was semi-treated by crew on the side of the stage to try and stop the bleeding. He was advised to stop the show.
He decided to go on and continued playing for 30 minutes while the bleeding continued throughout the show. He was rushed to the airport where an ambulance met him there. He was then put on a plane to LA where we was then put on a plane to see a specialist. We will continue to update as we have more info. Thank you all for your love and concern.”
The latest updates from his press agent shows that Enrique even drew a bloody heart on his white t-shirt for his fans after slicing his fingers open with the drone. Meanwhile, Iglesias’ fans continue to beg the press agent on Instagram for more updates whilst Enrique’s Instagram account has yet to update fans about his injuries as of this writing.
Enrique was at the Plaza de Toros de Playas in Mexico during his Sex and Love Tour when the accident happened. Now, bloody photos and video from cuts on two of Iglesias’ fingers — bloody that stained his white t-shirt — are filling the web. It was a point-of-view video attempt gone wrong.
Iglesias was transported to Los Angeles for help from a specialist after the 40-year-old tried to give the more than 12,000 people in attendance a “point of view” vista from the drone at the bullfighting ring in Tijuana, Mexico.
As reported by the Inquisitr , a man shot at a drone hovering over his house, but it was thought to be a publicity stunt. Thankfully for Iglesias, the injury from the drone seems to not have been serious.
[Image via Instagram]