Vivek Ramaswamy Admits His Father Is Not a Citizen of the US While Revealing Immigration Policy Plans

Vivek Ramaswamy Admits His Father Is Not a Citizen of the US While Revealing Immigration Policy Plans
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Andrew Spear

Vivek Ramaswamy, a GOP candidate for president, disclosed the citizenship status of his parents and how it influenced his own ideas on immigration policy should he win. In a lengthy interview he gave to NBC News on September 21, Ramaswamy acknowledged that his father is not a citizen of the United States. Ramaswamy was naturalized as an American citizen by birthright thanks to his mother, who became a citizen after he was born in the country. 

“He did not [take a citizenship test]. And that’s a choice that he has made for familial reasons,” Ramaswamy said. “But my mother did,” he added, explaining that she took a test and completed the process after Ramaswamy was born. “And I think that every immigrant who comes to this country in order to become a full voting citizen has to do the same.”


On the campaign trail, Vivek Ramaswamy frequently highlights the immigration and naturalization journey of his family to support two divisive policy proposals: stripping citizenship from and deporting people born in the country of undocumented immigrants and denying 18- to 24-year-olds the right to vote unless they pass a civics test. “I want to be very clear about this. I think that birthright citizenship does not and should not apply to the kids of parents who entered this country illegally,” Ramaswamy added in the interview. “Here’s the policy we’re going to apply — this is where I’ve been clear — the kid of illegal immigrants and the families who came here undocumented have to be returned to their country of origin,” he said. 



Children of immigrants born in the United States are entitled to citizenship under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. Ramaswamy, despite having become a citizen due to that policy, explained that he wants to do away with that, per Washington Examiner. "So, I want to give you my full perspective on this issue because I will acknowledge this is a difficult question, and what makes this a difficult question is that many people who are in this country illegally are still good people who came here for a better life for their family," he explained his stance.

Interestingly, Apoorva, Ramaswamy's wife, also immigrated to the United States. They had 2 kids in the United States after she got married to Ramaswamy in 2015. "I think the only way we’re going to be able to stand as a nation really committed to the rule of law is to behave in a manner that actually means it," Ramaswamy said to explain his policy. But I think that we will provide a path back through legal, meritocratic immigration for those who have demonstrated themselves to be law-abiding contributing citizens of this country," the Republican candidate went on.



Ramaswamy, 37, is the youngest candidate competing for the Republican presidential nomination, taking on the likes of former President Donald Trump, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), and others. Ramaswamy commanded an overwhelming lead over all candidates in a New Hampshire poll of potential Republican primary voters. Although with 39% of the same group's support, Trump still keeps his lead.


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