CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta claimed on Wednesday that Donald Trump’s White House had contact with some of the rioters that stormed Capitol Hill after the president’s March to Save America rally nearby.
“A source close to the White House who is in touch with some of the rioters at the Capitol said it’s the goal of those involved to stay inside the Capitol through the night,” Acosta wrote on Twitter .
Speculation swirled around who the sources could be — some pointed to GOP operative Roger Stone, the U.S. leader’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
In a later tweet , Democratic strategist Adam Parkhomenko expressed alarm at Acosta’s claim, and author Tomi Ahonen tweeted that it could implicate the White House in a coup.
“So the President (or his staff) participated in a crime today. This needs IMMEDIATE reaction by law enforcement. SOMEONE from WH has to be perp-walked in handcuffs… That was an attempt at a coup.”
According to author Matt Stoller via Twitter , the storming of the Capitol by Trump supporters was not a coup. But he supported prosecuting those involved in the incident and argued that Trump should be impeached and removed to prevent pardons for individuals who participated in the riots.
“And every Republican needs to be put on record with the impeachment vote whether they support this violence.”
As reported by People , Vice President Mike Pence condemned the rioters who stormed the Capitol and threatened them with prosecution. Although Trump has called for protesters to return home and respect law enforcement, he has yet to threaten them with legal action — as he did with the people linked to the civil unrest in the wake of George Floyd’s death while in the custody of Minneapolis police officers.
“The violence and destruction taking place at the US Capitol Must Stop and it Must Stop Now,” Pence tweeted.
Pence called for every protester to leave the Capitol immediately and claimed that those involved in the attack will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
As The Inquisitr reported, Trump — who abandoned his plans to march with the protesters — is facing calls for impeachment for his role in the attacks on the Capitol. Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar said Wednesday that she is drafting articles of impeachment against the head of state and echoed many others who believe that he needs to be removed from the White House to preserve the integrity of the United States.