Former President Donald Trump thinks all Black voters should vote for him, claiming he’s the one who’s done the most for the community. Riding high from his victory on Super Tuesday and the withdrawal of his only opponent, the likely GOP presidential nominee held a “Get out the Vote Rally” on March 9.
Trump continued with his usual bizarre statements as his campaign moves closer to the general election but brought up another “outlandish” claim in his speech, Rolling Stone reported.
During a campaign speech in Rome, Georgia, former president Donald Trump said that “100% of the Black people should vote” for him. Trump also claimed that he “did more for Black people than any president other than Abraham Lincoln.”
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) March 11, 2024
“I did more for Black people than any president other than Abraham Lincoln. It’s true. It’s true,” Trump claimed in the speech. “I did more than any president other than Abraham Lincoln . Think of it: criminal justice reform. I took care of the Black colleges and universities.”
Going further by doubling down on the debunked claim, Trump asserted, “It should be 100 percent of the Black people should vote for Trump,” he said.
Many netizens took to slamming the former president, with one user saying on X , “Good grief. He just can’t stop lying. Yeah, he did a lot for hate crime and racism. He made it worse.” Another user took aim at his previous lies, saying on X, “Trump also claimed Queen Elizabeth knighted him. He said this 5 hours after she passed away.”
Journalist Victoria Brownworth slammed Trump on X , taking a dig at Trump’s open claim that he would like to see the death penalty being handed out to the teenagers of color wrongfully convicted and later acquitted, saying “Central Park 5 would like a word.”
I mean, if you don’t count the Central Park five or the whole, questioning the birthplace of our first Black president, or the shithole country thing, or the Black Americans relate to me because I committed crimes thing. Other than that.
— Jo (@JoJoFromJerz) March 10, 2024
Similar strange assertions made by Trump in 2020 were also extensively challenged by historians, with some pointing to Lyndon B. Johnson as the president who has had the most impact on African American lives since Lincoln, as the signee of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as The Washington Post noted at the time.
Wouldn’t rent to blks, called them lazy, didn’t want them counting his money, pulled blk casino dealers off the floor when he showed up, wanted 5 poc put to death and even after found innocent called them criminals. He’s racist af
— Renegade Cowboy🐾🐾 🌊⚓️🌊🐾🐾 (@Rene_gadeCowboy) March 10, 2024
Trump did not initiate the bipartisan legislation that permanently allocated $255 million in yearly STEM funding for minority-serving universities, with around $85 million going to HBCUs. Additionally, his administration had a mixed record when it came to HBCUs.
Historian at the University of Texas at Austin, H.W. Brands, slammed Trump at the time, saying, “President Trump has made many outlandish claims, and this is squarely in that category. LBJ’s Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act rank right next to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.”
⁉️ Since Republicans embrace “Replacement Doctrine”, White Supremacists & “Confederate Flag Wavers”; plus, they denounce “Critical Race Theory” & ban Slavery books, how is it EVEN POSSIBLE that any Person of Color, Latino or Hispanic person can support these Racist Republicans??
— Dr. Mike Davis 🌊 (@FrankMikeDavis1) March 9, 2024
Another scholar, David Greenberg, from Rutgers University lambasted Trump, “I don’t see how Trump or anyone can seriously believe this claim. The Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act were monumental achievements that changed the lives of black Americans and LBJ will always be remembered for working to pass those into law. We can also point to important achievements under FDR, Truman, Kennedy, and many other presidents far more notable.”