No, this isn’t satire. Spokane NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal has been publicly outed in a way that is downright shocking, and by people that appear to be the most trustworthy source of information about the woman. WMAZ News 13 reports that Dolezal’s parents have outed her as a white woman who has been conning people for the entire time that she’s was a black woman. In other words, they’re accusing their daughter of being a civil rights fraud in blackface.
Ruthanne and Larry Dolezal are the parents of Rachel Dolezal, and they say that she is not at all black. She was born in Montana to both of her white parents, but she has always been close to African American culture through adoptive siblings and the schools she’s attended. Her parents say that she’s been deceiving people by living as a black NAACP leader, and even going as far as making herself appear dark skinned with natural African hair. On the contrary, Dolezal is a fair skinned woman with fair hair — appearing to be more of Irish descent than African.
Metro News reports that Dolezal has even gone as far as trying to pass an African American man as her father during events for the NAACP. Of course her real parents have come forward with this bombshell information, and they are both as white as white people come. So why would this woman assimilate herself into the African American culture in a way to trick so many people? Why be so dishonest? The answers to the numerous questions in this case aren’t being answered yet, and Dolezal herself hasn’t spoken out against the shocking information her parents has dropped.
BREAKING: Robert Downey Jr. to play #RachelDolezal in the upcoming Lifetime movie.
— Franklin Leonard (@franklinleonard) June 12, 2015
People bashing #RachelDolezal ‘s self-definition as a black woman are bigots. Race is a social construct. #CaitlynJenner — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 12, 2015
Y’all…lol. The depths of her delusion. I. Can. Not. #RachelDolezal
— Jasmine (@DopeMsNoir) June 12, 2015
Mad TV’s Nicole Sullivan would KILL as #RachelDolezal in her TV movie. Seriously. You see it!
— Charles Wade (@akacharleswade) June 12, 2015
Meanwhile, social media is eating this woman alive and producing a plethora of jokes and memes regarding her alleged fraudulent behavior. In particular, the black Twitter community is producing a mixed bag of reactions from fury and outrage to shock and laughter. Meanwhile, the NAACP hasn’t produced any reaction to the news that one of their leaders was a white woman pretending to be black under layers of makeup, fake hair and a web of lies.
Photo: Twitter via KREM