Editor’s note: Recently, a story based on a source associated with Claude Taylor was debunked as a hoax by the Guardian and disavowed by Taylor. In light of this, we advise any information derived from sources provided by Claude Taylor to be viewed in the light cast by this revelation.
There have been a series of tweets that have gained attention for First Lady Melania Trump and President Donald Trump that once again have the online rumor mill buzzing about divorce and adulterous affair allegations. And now the White House, via Melania’s spokesperson, is responding to some of those rumors of divorce, affairs, and settlements. As reported by the Inquisitr , Stephanie Grisham, whose title in the executive offices of the White House reads as “Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications” for the “Office of the First Lady,” directly reached out and denied the claims put forth by Claude Taylor , a former White House staffer. Taylor claimed that divorce papers for Melania and President Trump were already signed prior to Mr. Trump becoming President Trump, but once “The Donald” won the presidential election and became President Trump, the alleged divorce was put on hold.
Taylor wrote that a member of the mainstream media gave him the information, which stated that a divorce settlement between Melania and President Trump had been reached, but that the alleged divorce papers had not yet been filed. In response, Grisham wrote to this publication, stating that she has never heard of Taylor, but claimed that Claude’s assertions were “obviously…absolutely false.”
Now another Twitter user and novelist is going viral for leaking what she claims is the gossip she knows about Melania. Monica Byrne wrote a series of tweets on June 1 that have been liked and retweeted thousands of times. The meat of the tweets, as excerpted below, claim that Melania has been having an adulterous affair with a man named Hank Siemers, who is responsible for security at Tiffany & Co., in Trump Tower. Monica’s now-viral tweets claim that President Trump is aware of the alleged affair between Melania and Hank.
“But here it is: word is, for many years, Melania’s been having an affair with the head of security at Tiffany’s in the Trump Tower lobby…with DT’s knowledge. They had an agreement (written, I think) that if DT lost the election, they’d get divorced. But then he won. So they had to renegotiate the agreement. She is imprisoned in that marriage for as long as he’s president. Again: this is kind of obvious already to anyone with eyes. Melania looks miserable. But this would be a broader illustration of why. Also it’s why she doesn’t leave New York.”
“Aaaaanywaaaaay. YES this is hearsay. NO I can’t reveal my source. YES journalists should look into it. And YES I’m biased. I want 45 and his whole wretched family out of power. Not one of them is innocent, including the ones who are pretty. Let me be clear: in itself, DT’s marriage matters not at all next to the Paris Accord. Though I honestly don’t know how newsworthy it is?–given that Melania and 45’s marriage is obviously dead to begin with.”
Byrne even shared the below photo of Hank and mentioned President Trump and Melania in the tweet.
According to Stephanie Grisham, Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the Office of the First Lady, journalists should “feel free to reach out to me to fact check things before publishing.”
However, a direct Twitter message sent to Grisham by this journalist at 6:53 a.m. on Saturday, June 3, was read, as confirmed by Twitter’s “read receipt” checkmark, but no response was received about the alleged affair rumors dogging Melania and Hank as of this publication time. The same inquiries sent to Grisham’s White House executive offices email address went unanswered as well. This article will be updated with Stephanie’s response when received.
Meanwhile, the Hank Siemers, CFI | LinkedIn page is going viral with allegations of an affair between the ?Vice President of Global Retail Security of ?Tiffany & Co. and Melania. With duties that include “safeguarding Tiffany & Co.’s brand, assets and people” around the world, Hank sounds like a powerful man. According to LPM Insider , Hank was promoted recently.
The #HankSiemers hashtag is getting attention on Twitter, and photos of Hank via Loss Prevention Media are going viral as well. Find more information about Siemers on his Everipedia page.
According to the Facebook page named Henry Siemers, a married man who studied at St. John’s University, there is a Siemers in existence in New York who is apparently a fitness freak.
Siemers spoke with The Retail Bulletin about “distraction crimes” that have been used in the past.
A sampling of the tweets that have been published regarding the allegations of an affair between Hank and Melania can be read below.
“ @ realDonaldTrump Everyone’s saying that Melania has been having an affair with Hank Siemers of Tiffany’s. Is that why she stays in New York?”
“Stupid crap about Hank Siemers. Tiffany’s isn’t even IN Trump Tower. It’s next door.”
“SO happy that the Melania-Hank Siemers affair isn’t trending.. Whew! Dodged that one!”
“Press release of his promotion on Feb. 20th, exactly one month after inauguration. Melania’s terms to play along?”
“For the record, Mr. Siemers is quite the looker. Oh Melania.”
“Melania’s [alleged] lover, Hank Siemers, adds more color to America’s soap opera reality show.”
“The tag # hanksiemers is about to spike methinks.”
“Ivanka went to Jared but Melania went to Tiffany.”
With all the focus on the White House as of late, this most recent rumor about Melania and Hank only adds to the Twitter buzz.
[Featured Image by Scott Roth/Invision/AP Images]