Marvel Heroes is 2-years-old today , and to celebrate, the developers are giving away a few nice gifts to the players. For the next four weeks, players can expect one big gift each week alongside a few events, sales, and other bonuses.
By logging in to Marvel Heroes right now, players will find a Birthday Cake Mark 2 login gift, the new playable Dr. Doom, a redesigned level 52 review for Thing, Team-Up 2.0 , free permanent retcons, and an ascending anniversary experience buff.
Next week, players will be treated to a free hero of their choice (Dr. Doom is not eligible), and they will have a chance to find birthday cake pieces to make even more celebratory birthday cakes. Starting on week three, players will receive a free pet, they will have a chance to play with the developers, and they can start participating in the COWPOCALYPSE again.
On week four of the month-long anniversary celebration, players can expect the final birthday present. This time, a new, free Team-Up will be distributed to everyone that logs in. There’s no word on who the free Team-Up will be, though. It is the last surprise of the anniversary festivities. The fourth week also kicks off the redesigned A.R.M.O.R. Incursion Event.
The next four weeks will be filled with freebies and new events, but today players can log in to the game to find a number of big changes to Marvel Heroes . In addition to the first week additions, presents, and bonus experience listed above, most heroes have been tuned, elites and bosses have had their affixes updated, and a plethora of other minor changes are now live. The patch notes are available on the official forums for specific details.
Not to mention, the two-year anniversary kicks off unlocking of all heroes to level 10. Now, all players, whether they’re new or veterans, will be able to play all previously released heroes to level 10. This is a great way to check out how each hero works in-game in addition to viewing their power trees while playing.
In addition to all the anniversary revelry, the 40 percent off sale on X-Men and 15 percent bonus G promotions are also ongoing. As the Inquisitr cited, the sale on everything X-Men was to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Giant Size X-Men #1 . All X-Men heroes, costumes, team-ups, and pets are 40 percent off except for Iceman’s new costume.
With the X-Men sale included, pretty much all heroes, costumes, team-ups, and pets are heavily discounted during the anniversary. Other sales include 50 percent off all other heroes and team-ups (excluding X-Men, Dr. Doom), 40 percent off all costumes expect the two newest additions, and 50 percent off all other pets not relating to X-Men.
Will you be celebrating Marvel Heroes second anniversary?
[Images via Marvel Heroes ]