Marlon Wayans is a comedian at heart, especially when he can read a book like Fifty Shades of Grey and see humor, rather than a steamy romance. USA Today reports that Wayans’ new movie , Fifty Shades of Black , is a parody on the famous book-turned-movie, Fifty Shades of Grey . Marlon Wayans talked about the similarities and differences between the two movies.
“They both have romantic ideas, but they go two separate ways. Grey is a good lover, supposedly, while Black is a terrible lover. He says all the right things, but in bed, he’s awful. [And while Grey] was part mysterious, half-creepy and three-quarters stalker, Black is just a certified stalker all the way.”
This is the first literary parody for Marlon Wayans, who decided to grab a copy of the book when it became popular and saw the humor in it right away.
“I initially started reading it because, you know, you can never have too much game in the bed, so I wanted to add to my repertoire. Where everyone saw this intense, hot romance, I just saw jokes.”
Go see my boy @marlonwayans hilarious new movie #fiftyshadesofblack – so happy for you man!
— J O E J O N A S (@joejonas) January 30, 2016
He also said it will likely be his last parody for a while.
“This will probably be my last parody for a long time. It’s a wonderful genre. It’s one of those things where people go, ‘Oh, it’s a stupid parody,’ but it’s a really long process and a lot of research. You don’t just watch one movie, you watch 200. You don’t watch them one time, you watch them 20 times. You really have to dig into pop culture. I love parody, but I never fancied myself to be the next Leslie Nielsen. I just want to do more.”
Without parodies, what is up next for Marlon Wayans? Whatever it is, it will include his fabulous sense of humor, something the Huffington Post reports Wayans has no regrets over. Even with hindsight, Marlon Wayans said he has never regretted a joke he has told.
“You never regret any joke that you tell. As a comedian, some [jokes] pass, some fail, but the beauty of what we’ve done is 20 years later, we find new audiences. When we tell jokes, they’re long-staying. I don’t tell a joke that just lasts for a moment. I like to do a joke that 20 years from now is still relevant and still funny.”
As for the racial issues society is currently facing, Marlon Wayans doesn’t feel it is much different than it used to be.
“I don’t think the racial landscape has changed much. It changed for a while, but I think it’s starting to recess. So those jokes that you told that were so biting become relevant again. I regret no jokes. You did it and it was perfect for the time. And believe me, the racial stuff – it’s cyclical. It’ll happen again.”
Wow. So True. My fullest respect @MarlonWayans
— Marc (32-12) (@MarcCTB) January 28, 2016
Despite this, there are still racial issues plaguing the movie industry today. Aside from the whole Academy Awards fiasco that is currently brewing, the Root reports that Marlon Wayans and Kevin Hart have responded to criticism on Twitter about the “stereotypical” movies black celebrities are making.
“when are black celebs like @KevinHart4real & @MarlonWayans gonna stop doing stereotypical movies?”
— TaShyon Laneigh (@tashyonlaneigh) January 28, 2016
Marlon Wayans took offense to the post and responded.
@tashyonlaneigh when u stop being prejudice. Go see it, then ask the question
— marlon wayans (@MarlonWayans) January 28, 2016
Kevin Hart took even more offense, posting a string of tweets expressing his disgust.
I’m busting my ass so other actors of color can eventually get the title “Black Movie Category” removed from the projects that we do.
— Kevin Hart (@KevinHart4real) January 28, 2016
So @tashyonlaneigh I want u 2 realize that people with ur mindset & level of thinking are the reason why our movies get categorized
— Kevin Hart (@KevinHart4real) January 28, 2016
In the future @tashyonlaneigh I don’t want 2 hear u complain about any of da problems that Black actors r havin Bcuz ur apart of the problem
— Kevin Hart (@KevinHart4real) January 28, 2016
So with all this brewing, what does Marlon Wayans have to say about the Oscar’s diversity issue? He spoke with the Hollywood Reporter and told them precisely what he thinks.
“Yeah, it’d be nice to have more color and diversity at the Oscars, but then again, without obstacles, what is the objective? These are the things that, for me, puts fire under my a**. I don’t point fingers; I accept it and I just take on challenges. The time and energy I could put into boycotting or complaining, I’ll just put into making several films. There’s a door they bolted shut, and I’m determined to kick it open. I’m not gonna knock politely — you bust it open.”
Well said, Marlon Wayans!
[Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images]