An open letter to Donald Trump circulating on the website appears to thank the real estate billionaire for becoming president during this troubled time in America, but all is not as it appears.
The writer praises Trump for his actions as president because his activities have motivated millions of Americans to set aside their apathy and become politically involved against him.
“I want to thank you for what you have done in the last year, for there is likely no one else who could have single-handedly accomplished so much.”
The letter to Trump is written by Bailey Zallek and signed by Nasty Women (and Men) Everywhere. It’s a backhanded thank you card praising the president for uniting the country, even if it’s in opposition against him.
From the Women’s March on Washington the day after the inauguration to the Not My President’s Day protests this week, Americans have protested in mass numbers since Trump took control of the White House.
“Because of you, we are no longer standing idly by.”
Democrats see many things to fear in a Trump administration, but Zallek praises the president for uniting the country in political opposition and encouraging citizens to become involved in their country’s decision-making process.
Not only do more Americans know what the Electoral College system is than ever before, but they’re even debating its existence after Trump’s victory. A proposal for an interstate compact that allocates state votes to whichever candidate wins the most popular votes is gaining steam; as of January, it has the support of 11 states, according to RT .
“We have learned the names of our representatives, and we have learned how to contact them. We have signed up to volunteer in our communities. We have donated our money to the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and countless other vital nonprofits across the country.”
Trump has made a number of controversial decisions in the month since he took control of the White House. He’s tried to ban Muslim immigrants from certain nations from entering the country, ordered illegal migrants deported across the nation, prepared to build a wall on the Mexican border, and threatened to defund sanctuary cities.
Americans have responded with a dizzying array of anti-Trump petitions garnering hundreds of thousands of signatures condemning the president and his actions. Among them are demands for Trump’s tax returns, a call to impeach the president, a declaration of mental illness, and a request to silence the real estate billionaire’s Disney robot in the Hall of Presidents.
That’s not counting the numerous petitions aimed at Trump advisors. There’s even a petition in the UK to deny Trump a state visit with the queen because of his controversial travel ban.
“We have enrolled in college and graduate programs. We have changed our career paths. We have decided to run for office.”
Trump’s popularity seems to be dropping like a rock. After losing the popular vote, he went on to assume control of the White House with the lowest job approval rating since the invention of the telephone survey and his numbers continue to fall.
His war with the press and accusations that the mainstream media is full of fake news outlets and dishonest reporters is even turning supporters like Fox News against him.
“Thank you for lighting a fire under the first woman president, whoever she may be, for she is watching, and she is fierce.”
Read the whole letter to Trump here. It currently has 360 signatures and needs to reach 500 to be submitted to the White House. Will you sign it?
[Featured Image by Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images]