Leah Remini, best known for her roles in NBC’s Cheers and CBS’s The King of Queens , is the latest celebrity to make the bold move to speak out against Scientology. After being a dedicated Scientologist for 30 years, Remini finally decided to sever her ties with the Church of Scientology in 2013.
Newsday re @LeahRemini #ScientologyTheAftermath “nothing feels fresh or unexpected” https://t.co/xnrcUXySY1 pic.twitter.com/GWCSMFsBb9
— Not Leah R Aftercash (@LeahRAftercash) February 17, 2017
Scientology has a number of followers who are famous celebrities in Hollywood, with Tom Cruise as a prime example of the high-profile A-list stars who become dedicated followers of the controversial religion.
However, there are a number of celebrities, like Leah Remini, who have given up their association with the religion that encourages its followers to achieve fulfillment through self-exploration. Earlier, famous personalities, including Lisa Marie Presley, Paul Haggis, Christopher Reeves, Candice Bergen, and Nicole Kidman, also made the decision to leave the Church of Scientology.
However, it was not easy for the Cheers actress to take the bold step of leaving the Church of Scientology because there is a heavy price that one has to pay to sever ties with the controversial church. As per the guidelines stipulated by the religious system, any members breaking away from Scientology are required to sever ties with friends and family members who are still associated with the religion. According to Us Magazine , Leah Remini revealed that her decision to walk away from Scientology was not an easy one.
“You are leaving everything you know. You are giving up your whole life because that is what it takes to be a Scientologist, and then you are going to be losing your family because most of your family and friends are Scientologists.”
The title makes so much sense after reading a few chapters of the book…rebel for life! @LeahRemini pic.twitter.com/33GUYeBmeL
— Juliet Alvarez Ixta (@mtymermaid) February 17, 2017
The key events that led to Leah Remini’s defection from Scientology are detailed in her book, Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology, as well as the A&E docuseries, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath , which, according to Business Insider , has already completed one successful series and two Reddit AMA special sessions
The docuseries undoubtedly shows Scientology in a bad light, featuring interviews with a number of former Scientology defectors who talk openly about the negative experiences they endured when following and leaving Scientology. The Cheers actress revealed that defection results in angering other Scientologists, and she personally suffered from severe mental anguish after leaving the church.
Now that Leah Remini has left Scientology behind her and has dealt with the emotional trauma associated with making a new life outside of the controversial church, she feels free to expose the hidden secrets underpinning the tenets of Scientology. In particular, Business Insider reported that Scientologists believe that homosexuality is a “sexual perversion.”
#HolyHexes : Leah Remini will be interviewed by Bill Maher https://t.co/OnUr7EwB9Y via #CultNewsNetwork pic.twitter.com/5SKrAEgMA9
— MediaMonarchy.com (@mediamonarchy) February 17, 2017
Representatives from the church have previously publicly stated that Scientology has “no position on homosexuality,” but Leah Remini adamantly states that this is untrue. The former Scientologist revealed that founder L. Ron Hubbard created a “chart of human evaluation” which ranks homosexuals as “1.1,” the lowest possible ranking on the scale. Remini explained that this lowest ranking includes “people who need a lot of help but aren’t worth helping,” and includes “sexual perverts,” which, in turn, includes homosexuals.
“The sexual pervert… includes any and all forms of deviation… such as homosexuality, lesbianism, sexual sadism, etc.”
Leah Remini has accused Scientology of making its followers more hateful and judgmental towards people who have different religious beliefs and ideals. It appears that Scientologists bear a grudge against those who are defectors because Remini alleges that Scientologists follow specific policies while dealing with former members of their church.
In addition, current Scientology members are also encouraged to act against those who criticize them. According to USA Today , Leah Remini spoke about the vindictive attitude that Scientologists have towards its critics.
“If you speak out, you’re labeled an enemy to the Church and the Church has policies on how to deal with its enemies, and they go after them. It’s in their own policies, and so they don’t know any different, as I did when I was in the Church.”
Leah Remini Says Scientology Would Let John Travolta Get Away With Murder https://t.co/G6xAyf8PCL pic.twitter.com/aBEUX4gFoz
— ELLE Magazine (US) (@ELLEmagazine) February 8, 2017
The Church of Scientology has rebutted Leah Remini’s allegations against it. Instead, the church claims that Remini is merely garnering attention and publicity by making sensational accusations. According to the Hollywood Reporter , the church has suggested that Leah Remini is no different from other former members who were dissociated from Scientology due to their unethical behavior.
“She [Leah Remini] seeks publicity by maliciously spreading lies about the Church using the same handful of bitter zealots who were kicked out years ago for chronic dishonesty and corruption and whose false claims the Church refuted years ago, including through judicial decisions.”
[Featured Image by Michael Gordon/Shutterstock]